Chapter 8

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(Y/n) learned that Pah-Chin was arrested because of stabbing Moebius' leader on the back. Apparently his friend was beaten up and his girlfriend was raped by Moebius gang.

The Toman was devastated, but (Y/n) assured he will be released soon if he keep up his good behaviour during his time juvenile.

(Y/n) also made sure to visit Pah-Chin frequently.

Few days passed and it was August 3rd. Hinata mentioned it was a festival being held on that day.

Emma and Hinata were now in (Y/n)'s house as she was changing into her kimono. Promising they will go to the festival together, with Draken and Takemichi waiting for them.

"Ne, Emma-chan, I wonder who is (Y/n)'s date?"

The sandy blonde turned to her friend, slightly curious too,

"I heard (Y/n)-chan declined the Toman members' offer went they asked her to join them on the date."

She recalled when Mikey was apparently crying as he keep complaining why she would decline them during their dinner that made Sano grandpa irritated and bonk him on the head.

"What date guys?" A voice called from behind.

They turned and saw (Y/n) wearing a gorgeous pink kimono with flowers pattern on it. There was also a flower clip on her hair.

They squealed at her, "Oh my god! You're so pretty, (Y/n)-chan!"

She just laughed at them, "Come on, both of you are pretty too! Let's go to the festival!"

Arrving at the festival, Draken and Takemichi was waiting for the girls to arrive, although he was eager to meet (Y/n).

Takemichi glanced at him, "Ne, Draken, what do you think of (Y/n)-chan?"

He perked up on the mention of (Y/n)'s name, "Oh, I like her." He said casually, ignoring the shocked expression on Takemichi's face.


Takemichi yelled, he noticed Emma-chan liked him and vice versa, isn't it obvious?

Draken sighed at him, "I only saw her as a sister, Takemitchy. She also knows that."

Before continuing, "I am uncomfortable to leave her alone at the festival, so I came to accompany her."

Slightly glaring at somewhere. He remembered the times when Emma would always get harrassed by some bastards.

Even Mikey was mad at what happened to Emma, he instructed the captains or vice captains to always accompany her when she's alone.

Takemichi nodded in understanding, "I see...I thought you like Emma-chan.."

He also knows everyone likes (Y/n) in a way or another. Especially the commander of Toman who simps for her.

"Takemichi, Draken! Over here!"

They saw the girls were here, but only two of them. A certain black haired girl wasn't with them.

Draken was confused by the missing girl, he asked Emma, "Hey, where is (Y/n)-chan?"

"She went by herself! She said she have someone accompanying her."


A tanned white haired boy, along with the Haitani brothers and his right hand man were waiting for a certain yato.

Ran sighed, "Why we need to be here so early?"

They were here thirty minutes earlier than the time they promised to meet (Y/n).

Irritated, Izana glared at the older Haitani, making him shivered a little, "Never make a woman wait, idiot."

The tenjiku members noticed a change on the president's personality, apparently he became more of a gentleman since meeting (Y/n).

Kakucho were glad at seeing a change on Izana.

And of course, four of them have developed feelings for the yato.

"Her training was hard though, we were pretty much dead at the end." Rindou said as the others nodded in agreement.

As she promised she did train them but as they said, it was very tiring.

(Y/n) gave them a list of activities to do, such as doing push up non-stop with only one hand for 30 minutes, running 5km back and forth and others.

Even Izana, the best fighter in Tenjiku was tired. In the end, they begged her to stop training them.

She just agreed at them.

Well, that was the training I taught Kamui, it must be hard for normal humans to do them.

"Hey, guys! I am here!" A lovely voice yelled at them, there stood (Y/n) with her signature parasol. She didn't open the parasol as it's dark at nighttime.

The sight of the girl wearing the pink kimono and the flower clip on her head made her shine brighter.

She looked very pretty to them.

Ran noticed she were there, feeling happy, he was about to yeet himself to her,

"(Y/n)-chan!! I miss you so much!" Ran was about to jump on her but it was stopped by a grip on his back collar, making him choke.

Rindou only sighed at his stupid older brother.

"Eek! Cough,cough" Ran turned and saw Izana darkly look at him, making him flinch.

"I am sorry..." He apologized to Izana as he was sad he didn't get to hug (Y/n).

(Y/n) laughed at them, she couldn't lie but she was prepared to catch Ran if he did jump on her but was stopped by Izana.

"Hi, (Y/n)-chan!" Rindou greeted the yato.

"Hi, Rindou-kun! She beamed at him, making him flush a little.

The others saw it and glared at him in jealousy.

Kakucho and Izana grabbed her hand boldly, "Let's go to the stalls (Y/n)-chan, there are desserts stalls too."

Hearing the words desserts made her drool slightly, "Uwah, really?! Let's go then!'

With that, she went with them to the stalls, leaving the haitani brothers alone.

They smirked smugly at them, while waving goodbye to them.

Rindou cried inside a little, "Why me too..." He didn't even do anything stupid like his brother.

Meanwhile Ran was just throwing tantrum like a child, mad that he didn't get to follow (Y/n).

Passerby walked passed them, while a children asked his mother, "Mom, why is he doing that?"

The mother just sighed at the son "He is mentally stupid, don't mind him, son."


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