Chapter 13

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(Y/n) were now in a supermarket, looking for desserts and snacks as she searched over the products carefully.

She then bent over to grab a pack of pocky on the bottom of the rack.

"Ah! It's a pretty nee-chan!" A cute girl voice yelled.

Pretty nee-chan? Me?

She got up and saw two cute little girls behind her, one with pigtails and another one with pigtails bun.

She assumed the one with pigtails is the older, as she is taller than the other.

Squatting down, she patted their heads lovingly with a smile, "Such cute girls! Why both of you are here?

Luna and Mana beamed at the compliment by the pretty girl.

She called me cute!

Both of the sisters introduced themselves, "I am Luna!" The older said, "And I am Mana!" The younger added, while bowing to her.

(Y/n) smiled at the politeness as she stopped patting their heads, making them sad.

She looked around the store, no one is with them which worried her,  before she continued, "Where are your parents?"

Luna only shook her head, "We were with our big brother! But...we got distracted, that's why we are here."

Nodding in understanding, she sighed in relief,

Luckily it was me that found them, if not, they would've gotten kidnapped.

"Were you distracted by the toys?" She guessed as the toy aisle were behind her.

Mana nodded, they were indeed distracted by the toys.

"Yeah...but we can only look at them. We don't have any money..."

Listening to them, she felt bad for them, patting their heads again she grinned, "It's okay! Let nee-chan buy the toys for you!"

Their eyes sparkled, an excited smile on their faces, "REALLY?! YOU GONNA BUY THEM FOR US?!"

The yato nodded excitedly as she held Luna's hand on the left with Luna holding her younger sister's hand as (Y/n) grab her basket on the right.

"Let's go buy the toys and look for your brother!"

"Yeah!" The two said in unison.

The siblings weren't even worried for their older brother who were panicking right now.


"The total will be 1000 dollars." The cashier said as he stared at the trolley full of toys.

Apparently, (Y/n) told them to just grab what they wanted, with the yato grabbing random toys into the trolley.

So here they were, as (Y/n) took out her black card and swiped it.

The cashier's eyes widened, seeing the shiny black card as he quickly gave the receipt to her with trembling hands.

"P-Please come again."

"Thank you! Come on, let's go, Luna- chan, Mana-chan!" She said as she pushed the trolley with with both of them grabbing the hem of her shirt.

What a rich person....

Meanwhile, a certain lilac haired is panicking as he were searching frantically for his younger sisters.

I turned my back for a second and they disappeared!

Caught My Heart 💓 ( Tokyo Revengers x Reader x Slight! Gintama)Where stories live. Discover now