Special Chapter: Hangout with Izana and Kakucho! ( Part 2)

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Both of the males were shocked as more waiter pushed the trolley which was full of foods and dessert to their table.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in excitement, drooling slightly at the dishes that were in front of her.

Although, the two males facing her thinks otherwise.

Izana and Kakucho trembled a little as they watched the waiter placing the dishes on the table.

And the table were full of dishes.

"We need more table!" The waiter yelled, making Izana and Kakucho wanna kill themselves here and now.

I don't wanna be a dishwasher forever... They thought, crying internally.

"So many foods!" (Y/n) exclaimed, her stomach getting hungry by looking at the foods displayed.

She then looked at Kakucho, who were looking weird and Izana, who were basically seconds from passing out.

"Oh my god, are you guys okay?" She asked them.

They only nodded at her absentmindedly before making the weird faces again.

(Y/n) sweatdropped at the scene.

She gave their dishes to them, which was chicken chop and their drink, a glass of plain water.

They accepted as they thanked her, eyes blanking. Izana was poking the meat with a fork as he took a bite.... without cutting the meat.

Meanwhile Kakucho was trying to cut the meat, but the utensil he was holding was a freaking fork, not a knife.

The yato only shrugged at them and started to inhale the foods and desserts.

The white haired male choked on his food suddenly, startling the male beside him.

He then patted his president's back, trying to soothe him.

"What happened, Izana?" He asked worryingly as he took a sip of his water.

The other only pointed his finger at the yato.

He looked at the girl, who were inhaling the foods and desserts in front of her.

And this time, he choked on his drink, making Izana patting his back.

He muttered a thanks as the males looked at each other.

What a glutton.... they thought as (Y/n) didn't even spare them a glance, seemingly enjoying the foods.


An hour passed, the black haired girl wiped her mouth elegantly with a napkin.

Meanwhile, Izana and Kakucho still couldn't believe that she managed to finish all the foods and desserts.

"So full!" She exclaimed as she patted her stomach.

They only nodded with a nervous smile.

"I - I'm glad you are full, (Y/n)-chan." Kakucho stuttered as Izana was still nodding.

(Y/n) nodded excitedly, "The foods is so delicious! We should come again!"

They paled at the word again.

"Hahaha, we should...." The white haired trailed off, looking at nowhere.

She couldn't help but think they are not feeling well.

"Are you sure you guys are fine?" She asked, trying to make sure they are fine.

"Yes..." They said in unison.

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