Chapter 10

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Takemichi and Draken watched as Mitsuya and (Y/n) fought with Moebius members.

Although their gaze were averted towards the black haired girl more.

The crybaby hero only watched in awe as (Y/n) hitted everyone out of their way while smiling with her parasol, just like how a baseball player hit the ball.


"Home Run!"


The yato yelled the words happily as she keep hitting them.

Wow, one the member of moebius jusr got swatted away just like a fly.

Meanwhile Draken was also impressed by the yato, "Wow, i think she's a  baseball player."

The other nodded, as they watched another member got swatted away.

"That is definitely the stance of a baseball player."


A tall man with black hair and a yellow in the middle paled as he saw the bodies of moebius members piled on the wet ground.

He saw the familar faces of the vice commander and second division captain of Toman. The second division captain was busy fighting the moebius members.

Meanwhile the male with dragon tattoo was bleeding on the head with another blonde boy by his side.

He noticed they were looking at other direction, so he looked at it too. What he saw next made him choked,

A girl who was hitting people with her parasol like a baseball while yelling words such as strike, home run, out, etc.

W-What the, almost all of my gang members is gone!

At least there are 50 of them left.

That girl is fucking crazy and strong!

Before he can speak up to the yato, a motorbike then showed up, Draken and Mitsuya smirked, since they know who is the owner.

(Y/n) also stopped hitting for a while as she perked up at the familiar sound.

"Oh! That is Mikey's bike!"

"Who are you?" The commander said as he glared at the taller male.

"I'm Hanma Shuji. But I'm in charge of Moebius. For the moment, at least." He snickered as he held a cigarette between his finger.

He then laughed loudly, "Moebius's entire gang, 50 people! Versus four guys from Tonan!" as he continued, "Don't wuss out like you did last time idiots!"

Everyone just looked at him with dotted eyes, not saying anything.

Hanma frowned at the reaction, shouldn't they be intimidated or something?

Mikey pointed his finger towards him, "Um...I think you're mistaken."


"Look behind you, there is not even one of your members here."

"What the -"

Looks like Mikey was right indeed, instead of 50 members standing behind him, there were only bodies around him.

He gasped in horror, remembering a certain girl that yelled strike.

He then looked around, seeing the girl kneeling beside the vice commander, tending his wounds.


"We are not late, are we?" A peach haired boy said, with other captains of every division while the members was behind them.

Souya who got off his bike, widened his eyes at the scene, "I don't think we are needed here, nii - san."

He stared at the tall male who have a horrified expression on his face.

The first division captain saw Draken, Takemichi, Mitsuya and (Y/n) who were together as the girl was wrapping a bandage around his head.

They were curious on why (Y/n) is here though, as she declined to join them on the festival, which cause Mikey to be grumpy and Mitsuya have to hit him to be mature.

Baji will have to ask her later.

He then whistled, "Whoa, Takashi has gotten stronger." As he assumed he was the one that defeated the Moebius members.

The other captains nodded in agreement.

Mikey only sighed at the taller guy, "Just go away." He felt bad for the guy honestly.

They reached at the hospital, as Draken was getting treated for his wounds. The captains and vice captains and the girls were seated outside.

Mikey them hugged the yato, while pouting, "(Y/n)-chan~ i missed you so much!"

The girl only chuckled and patted his damp hair. "Mikey-kun you will get sick if you stick to me like this."

The males watched in jealousy by the scene.

"That damn shorty, hogging (Y/n)-chan like that!" The peach haired male glared, while his twin agreed with him.

Someone then pulled her away from him, earning an "HEY!" from Mikey.

(Y/n) turned and saw Baji hugging her from the back, she just sighed at them.

He lets go of the hug, although his hand was holding her her hand, the yato doesn't mind the contact.

Blushing slightly, the black haired male asked her, "What were you doing there, (Y/n)-chan?"

The others were also curious about that..

The girl hummed, "I was walking around and i heard a shout! And I saw Draken was hurt...," she trailed off before continuing, "and of course I must help him!"

Baji nodded at her, "I see! Let's go eat Peyoung Yakisoba later!"

The next words from (Y/n) made him blushed again,

"Okay! It's a date then!"

Baji shivered at the cold atmosphere as he prayed he won't get killed tonight by the founding members of Toman.

Although he was happy to go on a date with the yato.


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