Dinner Dates

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Jade's pov: 

I ended up sitting with Lucinda on the day beds after talking to the guys then proceeding to talk about the situation. Lucinda looked at me before saying "so are you feeling anyone yet babes?" 

I smiled and blushed before saying "yeah I can safely say that I am feeling Liam definitely a little bit because I mean he ticks all of my boxes." 

Lucinda smiled at that before saying "I think that i'm feeling Brad the most right now but i'm not sure if that will change anytime soon."

I smiled at her before saying "I know I noticed Brad just staring at you which made me smile." She laughed as she leaned into hug me then started to tickle me which made us both laugh.

 I then heard heels clicking on the ground before turning to Cinda and saying "uh oh sounds like the girls are coming back" she nodded as we watched all the girls come back into the villa. They walked in and the guys introduced me and Lucinda to the girls. 

Jade: I noticed all the girls were a little nervous and annoyed which I imagine was because me and Cinda showing up was a bit of a surprise. 

I looked at the girls before saying "hey girls you want to go chat on the fire pit." They all nodded as we headed to the fire pit to talk considering me and Lucinda had already talked to the girls.

Kaz asked us how old we were to which me and Lucinda both answered 21 then Kaz asked us where we were from I looked at them before saying Manchester and Lucinda said Brighton. We then told what we did Lucinda owned her own fashion boutique and I am a social media influencer.

Rachel looked at us before saying "can I go in with an uncomfortable question. Who are your top three?" 

Lucinda looked at them all before saying "I think they're all good looking" before I said same here. 

I also looked at them before saying "i'm like the typical tall, dark, and handsome plus someone who can handle me because I can be a bit fiery so we'll see." 

Faye: We were all sat and talking with the new bombshells and I don't think it's possible to hate them especially not Jade she's just so sweet and it seems like her and Liam are attracted to each other like they can't stop looking at each other.


Liam's pov: 

I was on the swings with the guys talking about the girls and I swear I could not take my eyes away from Jade she is fire. I noticed that she also couldn't take her eyes away from me. I looked at the guys before saying "I know who i'm going after Jade so please stay away." 

They all laughed at that before Brad said "and stay away from Lucinda please" which again made us all laugh before I heard Rachel ask the question and we all shut up to try and hear. I did hear that Jade needed someone who could handle her which I was determined to prove was me.

After everyone split up I ended up on the couch with Faye when she asked "what do you think about the two is there anyone you'd like to talk to more?" 

I looked at her before saying "yeah Jade, she is a bit of me and I am really interested in her." Faye smiled at that before telling me to go for it which made me smile.

Later we were all sitting on the couch by the fire pit and I was sat beside Jade before they started talking about their types when I decided to just go for it and slipped her hand into mine. She jumped a little and looked at me before smiling a bit and turning back around to continue talking which made me smile.

Then I heard a phone go off and saw that it was Jade's who picked it up without letting go of my hand which made me smile again. "Jade, it's time to play the field. Tonight you will have dinner with three boys of your choice. One boys will prepare the starter, one will prepare the main, and the third will prepare dessert. Please now make your choices. #eatouttohelpout #threecoursefeels" 

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