Casa Amor

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Liam's pov: 

I woke up that morning to Jade in my arms which made me smile before all the girls got up and headed upstairs to get ready. I stayed downstairs and in bed with the rest of the guys just talking about stupid stuff before Teddy got a text saying "Boys, fancy a lads holiday? You must all now sneak out of the villa without the girls knowing. #playaway #casaamor." All the guys screamed and jumped up while I just laid there and smiled at the fact that they were getting so excited. 

I mean what can I say i'm not really looking forward to this because it most likely means that the girls are going to get new guys and I have the girl I want. 

Nevertheless I got out of bed and we all walked out the front door to the cars that were waiting to take us to casa amor. I stayed with Teddy and Jake who both seemed not as interested in this as the other guys which made me smile because at least I was going to have someone to talk to throughout this entire thing. I was also more worried about Jade and the new boys considering the fact that Jade is stunning. 

The thing that worries me the absolute most is that Jade has trust issues from her last relationship and casa amor might just make them rear their heads and fuck it up even more. 


Jade's pov: 

I was getting dressed in my bikini for the day which was hot pink when I heard the sound of a scream which caused me to run downstairs to find the scream had come from Liberty who told me that the boys were gone. 

Faye then found the phone with the text message about going to casa amor which made most of us simultaneously moan and groan, me more than others considering the trust issues that I already had

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Faye then found the phone with the text message about going to casa amor which made most of us simultaneously moan and groan, me more than others considering the trust issues that I already had. 

This is just awful especially because my ex cheated on me with a girl that he met on a lads holiday and is now dating her so this is literally deja vu and is making my trust issues rear their ugly heads again.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Faye finding rings on her pillow and Liberty finding a shirt in hers. I looked at mine and Liam's bed to see that he had left his rings that I loved to play with on the bed which made me smile. Faye looked at me before asking "do you trust Liam?" 

I sighed before nodding and saying "yeah, I do it's just old issues raising again that have nothing to do with Liam." She nodded before we all walked outside and I made myself an iced coffee just to try and calm myself down. 


Liam's pov: 

All the guys and I got to casa amor which was an actual amazing villa then we all immediately jumped into the pool while laughing and playing around. We all sat down on the loungers by the pool when Jake said "we all have to get to know the girls to a certain extent." Me and Teddy just looked at him in shock that he of all people was suggesting that. 

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