Laying it on thick

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Jade's pov:

I was sat on the swing talking to Liam when Liam asked me why I was on love island. I looked at him before saying "my ex was a right asshole and definitely left a couple cracks in the form of pretty bad trust issues." 

He looked at me before saying "seriously, so what caused those trust issues?" 

I sighed not really wanting to get into it before saying "he cheated on me for a year and a half lying to me at almost every turn. My trust issues are not as bad as they used to be but they still rear their head some times." He nodded but didn't say anything and I could tell that he was thinking things through. 

He finally looked at me before pulling me closer after wrapping an arm around me saying "hey this changes nothing ok i'm still in to you and still want to get to know you alright." I nodded and smiled at how safe he made me feel before I noticed Sharon and Aaron splitting up. 

Aaron went to talk to Jake and Toby while Sharon went to talk to the girls. I moved my head back to pay attention to Liam before asking "what went on there?" He shook his head before getting up and walking over to them after telling me he'd be right back. He went to the guys while I was joined by Faye and Liberty who sat on the swing next to me after Liberty took Liam's spot. 

Liberty looked at me before asking "so I saw you talking to Liam earlier how are you feeling about him?" 

I smiled as I looked at her before saying "good I mean I do really really like him like I can see myself going out with him like he is the guy I would go for on the outside" Liberty squealed at that which made me smile before pulling her back down and shushing her so the guys don't hear that. After a couple of minutes of the three of us talking I saw Liam heading back over to me so the girls got up and headed to see Sharon who was visibly upset. 

Liam walked up to the swing and sat down after handing me another drink which made me smile at his sweet gesture. He sat down next to me as I moved my hair back from my face as it was starting to bother me. I turned to Liam before saying "I feel absolute shit for Sharon though I mean that it's awful to have that happen. Did he say why he ended it?" 

Liam sighed and nodded at me before saying "I know it is shit for her but yeah he did he basically said that she was too fiery for him." 

I gasped at that before saying "I kind of had a feeling because on the date I went on with him he basically said that Sharon was too fiery for him which made me realize that he couldn't handle me." 

He laughed before saying "are you fiery huh?" 

"yeah I am a bit, let's just say that i'm not afraid to say what I think and i'm not afraid to stand up for myself" 

He nodded to that before saying "I know and I do like that in a girl as I can be kind of fiery as well." 

I laughed before saying "laying it on thick huh?" 

He smiled then said "yeah me and Brad" I laughed at that before Lucinda, Liberty and Faye all walked over and joined us as Liam moved closer to me to make room for them. 

I turned to Cind before saying "so how was Brad today I heard that he quite literally hasn't let you do anything on this date." 

She smiled at that before saying "I know but Brad laid it on absolutely thick during that date then he was literally calling my eyes absolutely beautiful and things like that." 

We all awwed and smiled at that before she said "but I feel bad about saying it in front of Rachel as they are coupled up." I nodded as I understood her plight. 

Love Island 2021 - Liam ReardonWhere stories live. Discover now