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Jade's pov: 

I was in the kitchen with Liam just talking when Liberty came down and I could tell by the actual massive smile on her face that she was absolutely buzzing which made me so happy for her as she dragged me away from Liam for a talk. She called Faye, Kaz, and Chloe to come with us. We walked to the fire pit and sat down before Liberty spoke telling us about what happened "you guys are gonna be so proud of me, I literally went upstairs and said how I felt and I didn't take no shit. I literally just stood my ground, there was a lot of deflection going on at first.  And I was like, "just say to me how you feel." And he told me that he loved me." 

All of us gasped and looked at each other shocked not expecting that to have been said at all but Chloe bless her heart spoke what we were all thinking "do you not think that he might just be telling you what you want to hear?" 

Liberty looked at all of us shocked "is that what you all guys think?"

Faye sighed and I knew what she was going to say and I shook my head not wanting  her to say this "yeah, I mean I think it's definitely a bit convenient that he says it now right when you're starting to not take his shit and have doubts." Faye and Chloe left after saying some pretty questioning stuff. 

The rest of us girls sat with Lib and comforted her after the things that Faye and Chloe had said but quite honestly both girls had made some pretty good points. 

I honestly don't know what to believe at this point, whether Jake really loves Liberty and the timing just looks really bad or he doesn't love her as much as she loves him and the situation looks exactly like the timing does.

I saw Jake and Liam talking in the kitchen before heading over to the snug bit to talk which I knew that I would ask him about later. I watched as all the other boys joined him and I just had a feeling that this situation was going to blow up because Toby and Teddy were just coming from talking to Faye and Chloe. 


Liam's pov: 

I walked away from the chat with the guys and noticed that Jake and Toby were speaking on the bean bags. I then noticed that Jake had gotten up after looking distressed before walking outside. We were all hanging out in the kitchen when Jake came and grabbed Lib who was sitting with Jade before taking her for a chat. 

I walked to Jade before asking "can we go for a chat as well?" She nodded then walked to the fire pit. 

We sat down and I looked at her "alright, what's going on with the Jake thing?" 

She looked at me then said "alright, but you can't tell Jake or any of the other guys alright?"

I nodded as she continued "basically a lot of us have started to notice little things in Jake and Lib's relationship that indicate that he's not genuine with her and that he doesn't love her as much as she loves him." 

I nodded "yeah, I saw that from the movie night and the public rankings." 

She spoke again "well, Lib confronted Jake and literally asked him to tell her how he felt and started to question him on their problems and he just spouts I love you randomly after 3 weeks since she said it."

I nodded because I could see where she was going with this "so you think that it's just a cop out? You think that he said it to her to distract her?" 

She nodded then said "all I want is for Lib and Jake to be happy and if he really loves her I'm all for it but my thing is why did he wait until she literally confronted him and gave him an ultimatum of telling her how he felt or she walked? That's the thing that really making me question it." 

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