Stick or Twist Part 2

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Jade's pov: 

Liberty went next and stood up "I think that Jake hasn't given me a reason not to trust him so far so he deserves trust. I'm just hoping that he comes back on his own, fingers crossed. So I would like to stick with Jake." We all looked at the door and smiled as Jake came out by himself and practically ran to Liberty before lifting her and kissing her as they both couldn't keep the smile off their faces.

Kaz went next which made all the girls look at each other as we all knew what was about to happen. "erm, so I just spent the first couple of days, crying because I did just feel blindsided because I saw Tyler kissing another girl which was not a nice thing to be seeing." I could see Jake and Toby's confused faces which I assume was because they didn't know about the postcard. 

Kaz kept going "I opened up to someone new as a result. They opened up to me. Yeah, i'm just happy to have met somebody who's gonna be treat me right. Who's gonna be genuinely open and honest with me, so i'm excited to start my journey with someone else, and therefore i'd like to recouple with Matthew." 

We all clapped as Matthew walked up to Kaz and sat down next to her before we watched as Tyler walked into the villa with a new girl named Clarisse. Laura then said "Kaz is there anything you'd like to say to Tyler?"

Kaz sighed "I don't really know what I can say, to be honest. I feel like he just wasn't honest with me from the beginning. He came in very much focused on just me and talked about everything on the outside world but it took one or two days for him to be in bed with someone else. I kinda feel a bit blindsided but, do you know what, it's out with the old and in with the new." 

Tyler spoke "yeah, so you know I went to casa the first couple of days weren't easy but you know I was on a lads holiday, found a spark with Clarisse and just wanted to give us the opportunity to explore that." 

Kaz then spoke again "the first few days when the guys went to casa amor I didn't sleep in my bed, I was on the sofa." 

Tyler cut her off "but you still chose to recouple"

Kaz then said "because i saw a picture of you kissing another girl Ty. That's why I recoupled, that was basically my green light to go. Whatever you say next whether to me or her just make sure it's honest next time." we all gasped and clapped at the fact that Kaz was not holding back absolutely anything which made us all smile for her. 

Laura then asked "if you hadn't seen that picture, would you be re-coupling?"

We all knew what that answer was going to be and were proven right when Kaz answered "no" making us all smile at how she read him for filth. The two of them then sat down not particularly making eye contact with anyone. 

I'm so proud of Kaz and Abi for what they said to Toby and Tyler. Kaz especially I mean I think that she has had a shit time in here and she just finally let go of all the pain and anger.  

Next up was Faye and I knew that this was going to get explosive especially considering that Faye was one of the fieriest ones in here. Laura looked at Faye saying "so, you were coupled up with Teddy before he went to casa amor. You seemed to be a strong couple and things were going well. How are you feeling now?"

Faye licked her lips "I mean, things change, don't they, in here, very quickly. People's true colors come out and a picture says a thousand words." 

Laura nodded "Before he left for casa amor were you happy in your relationship with Teddy?" 

Faye sighed "It was good. I mean, as we all know, I was taking my time and letting my guard down and the night before he went, I let it down." 

Laura then said "how do you feel about Teddy now?" 

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