Stick or Twist Part 1

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Jade's pov: 

We all headed to the fire pit after seeing Kaz and Matthew talk to figure out what went on and what the feeling was. Kaz looked at all of us before saying "he was so cute. He was like, let's do a toast. I think he toasted to like new memories or something. I was so distracted by his eyes that I can't even remember what the toast was." That sentence made all of us girls smile especially after the shit time that Kaz has had in here first with Toby and then with Tyler. 

Kaz then continued "as we went in for the cheers he pulled me in for a kiss" all of our mouths dropped at that just because it was so forward of him. Kaz then told us that she was going to be sharing a bed with Matthew which made us all squeal for her. 

I am so happy for Kaz especially considering that she has had it one of the worst in here in terms of relationships and coupling. This Tyler thing is honestly not helping her at all. I just hope that Matthew is better for her and cares about her. 


Liam's pov: 

We were all hanging around at night and I watched from the day bed with Teddy as Tyler hung out with Clarisse and kissed her which meant that Kaz was most likely to get hurt. I looked over then and saw Mary and Hugo kissing which made me and Teddy cheer for him as he finally left friend island after how many times and chances. 

I am honestly so happy for both of them but at this point I still just want to go home and I can't stop myself from wondering what the hell is Jade doing at the villa. 

Teddy looked at me before saying "are you missing Jade?" 

I smiled and nodded "yeah, I am just like I have been for the first couple of nights to be honest I feel like Tommy from Season 5 just the opposite with me being gone." 

Teddy smiled "how do you think Tommy, Molly, and Tyson are reacting to you guys right now?" 

I looked at him "I have no clue, seriously they could either hate me or love me but that doesn't matter to me as much as Jade liking me." 


Jade's pov: 

I was sitting on the bean bags by the pool with Abi and Faye talking about Toby. Abi looked at us "I feel less positive but still fine." 

I nodded "Abi, seriously I am just going to come out and say it that Toby is probably going to come back for casa recoupled with a girl so I want you to be prepared for that." 

I then moved to sitting on the couch by the fire pit with Kaz and Lib on either side of me as I started to get tears in my eyes "i'm just trying so hard to trust him but the nagging voice in my head says that he is exactly like my ex. It doesn't help that it was a lads holiday when my ex cheated on me so my trust issues are just rearing their head ten fold." 

Lib looked at me saying "I know babes but you've just got to hope for the best and remember that Liam absolutely adores you." I nodded while simultaneously thanking her for what she was saying. 


Liam's pov: 

I was now sitting on the day bed swing by myself when Lillie came over and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at that because my god was she annoying.  She sat down next to me and I moved a little bit away from her not that she particularly noticed. She then said "so, I just figured that I would come over here and ask where your head is still?" 

I sighed fiddling with the necklace around my neck that Jade sent me  before saying "look Lillie, i'll say it again my head is with Jade matter of fact my everything is with Jade there is absolutely no one on this earth that can compare to her in my mind" before I got up and headed to the couch with all the other boys. 

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