Missing family members

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The animal and mythical creatures parents-the mythical creatures parents whereabouts are unknown but are most likely deceased due to the pet shop owner saying the young beasts were found alone. The animals claim their parents either abandoned them or are dead. 

Thea and Forrest's mother-she's mentioned when Alaska jokingly asks Thea if her mother was the karate kid. Thea says no before briefly looking somewhat thoughtful at the ground. It's revealed the twins never knew their mother and was left for Finn to deal with. 

Jasper, Jocasta, and Jonay's mother-when Kaida reveals to her friends what happened to her mother, Jonay hugs her and reveals her mother had also passed away (for unknown reasons).

Heron, Kea, Gannet, and Silas's mother-Heron tells Rosella privately her mother was really sick when she died and she never got a chance to say goodbye.

Satkar and Cypher's father-later revealed at the end of the season 5 finale as a white male with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He looks remarkably similar to Kai.

Ciaran and Annie's father-never revealed but mentioned once by Apello that he was young handsome talon she knew. Ciaran mentioned him again when he tells Kaida his father wasn't the Dark Ace.

Feather, Kira, and Kaida's mother-said to have died during childbirth, mentioned several times, theories suggest Swan to be their mother.

Artemis and Rodion's father-never revealed but mentioned by Ravess when she says Rody was always the sneaky one just like his father.

Slash and Macey's mother-never revealed but mentioned once by Snipe who claimed the kids' mother wasn't nearly a pain as much as they were.

The raptor and raptoresses mothers-killed by rouge cyclonians, Levia being the leader.

The raptor and raptoresses unhatched siblings-killed by rouge cyclonians, Levia being the leader.

Kai-Ace's older brother and Feather and Kaida's uncle. Killed by a flood. Implied to have survived and is now in hiding.

Ava-Aerrow's mother and Aasira, Pramesh, and Zephyr grandmother. Whereabouts are unknown. Mentioned once when Aasira reveals her father's lineage.

Phillip-Piper's father and Aasira, Pramesh, Zephyr, and Celeste's grandfather. Whereabouts unknown. Revealed to have mated with Levia.

Phineas and Florrie-Finn's father and mother and Thea and Forrest's grandparents. Whereabouts unknown. Mentioned by Forrest

Jarl and Judah-Junko's father and mother and Jasper, Jocasta, and Jonay's grandparents. Jarl's whereabouts are unknown but implied to have been killed by Tinder. Judah died of a broken heart after her husband's exile.

Sinet and Para and -Stork's mother and father and Silas and Heron's grandparents. Both killed by cyclonians, Levia being the leader.

Spartacus and Cindy-Starling's father and mother and Satkar and Cypher's grandparents. Spartacus led the original interceptors and was killed by Repton. Cindy's whereabouts are unknown. 

Firebolt-Kain, Asteria, Ace and Apello's father, Feather, Kaida, Ciaran, and Annie's, grandfather. Killed when he is struck off his sky ride. Implied he was crushed by the skimmer once while falling to the wastelands. His assassin was revealed to be Kain.

Sonar, Zero, and Echo's, mother-Radarr's mate/possibly the chicken (or a chicken) from "Radarr Love" or "Gale Wind Forces". Whereabouts unknown.

Sunu and Rema-Ravess and Snipe's father and mother and Rodion, Artemis, Slash, and Macey's grandparents. They abandoned the duo at a talon academy when the latters were young and never came back. Implied they were killed by nightcrawlers after Levia confesses to the deaths of several people possibly including Sunu and Rema.

Tiledon and Rosey-The raptors' father and mother and the younger raptors' grandparents. Tiledon was the leader of Terra Bogaton and was killed by the old Interceptors and Rosey died of a broken heart after seeing her sons turn evil.

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