Chapter Four

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This chapter has been changed and edited. Enjoy!


How awkward was this? Eating with your boss? And not just any boss. But the CEO of a billionaire company. And it wasn't exactly great knowing he saw you fall flat on your face.

Harper sat uncomfortably in her chair as he began to order to the waitress a couple things off the menu he hadn't even looked at. The waitress was more than envious of my company, blushing red in the cheeks as she gawked at the handsome male, ignorant to her.

"Honestly, this is really unnecessary," Harper objected, once the waitress fled from sight. He returned his gaze to her, pouring himself a glass of water in the process.

"You shouldn't complain, Miss Daniels. Besides, I feel I deserve to treat you to a meal considering I had been part to blame for your ordeal. Your standard of work is so far exceptional," he said, wetting his bottom lip before taking a sip from the pristine glass.

Harper hated that simple action. It had her nerves rocketing up to the roof. He's just so darn beautiful.

"I also understand you may not have wanted this position but I promise it's temporarily," he added, "just until...I find someone else. Then you may return to your position."

Harper relaxed a little at that. Why was he being so nice? Guilt?

"Thank you," she replied, feeling it was necessary to show some gratitude.

"So," he began, undoing the ends of his sleeves and rolling each to his elbow on each arm. "Is this your first career? If you don't mind me saying, you don't look a day old out of University."

Harper felt a blush creep up her neck. "Erm, six months to be exact."




"," she replied bashfully.

"I understand under the circumstances that it's a little different but did you intend for this career path?" he asked, paying full attention. Harper was getting a little self-conscious at those eyes studying her closely.

"I...just enjoy maths and—and, I was aware of your establishment being good for opportunities," she said earnestly, shyly looking towards the cutlery on the table.

"Did you hurt yourself earlier?" he asked.

"Oh—oh, no. It was nothing," Harper objected, waving off his concern.

"Please be careful next time," he replied, a sign of worry flashed across his face.

There was silence for a second or two until he approached her with unexpected question. "Is there anything you'd like to ask me?"

"Erm." She blushed. "I—don't know if—"

"You could ask how an attractive, young male like myself owns an oil company," he suggested and teased with a mischievous smile. Was he? No, he couldn't be.

"Erm," Harper chuckled anxiously. "I guess then."

"It's a family owned business. It's been in the generations for years. I went to University, had the desire to go into law but instead I was gifted the joy of the family's business. And now I own a billionaire company that fuels the homes, the cars you drive and fuels anything animated, around the nation and global scale," he explained, revealing more than Harper had expected.

Miss Clumsy and the CEO (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now