Chapter 34-Count to Ten

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"Sir, there's nothing out the ordinary. I've even looked further and he has no criminal record, nothing to suggest he is brutal in the workplace. You could practically say he's the perfect bloke." Samuels said on the other line. James sighed. "Not helping Samuels."

"Sorry sir, is there anything else you need me to dig into?" Samuels said. James shook his head as he answered back on the phone. "No, are you certain though there isn't anything I can use against him?"

"No, he has a clean record and through his own personal life, nothing to suggest he could be a danger." Samuels said. James nodded to himself. "Okay, that's all. Thanks." He ended the call sighing as he threw his phone carelessly onto his bed. So there was nothing he could use, as much as he would love to just fire his ass now, how could he explain with no reason behind why if he did. Even though the reality was because he had something James couldn't have and that was Harper. Practically he had watched as Harper moved on.

Flopping back on his bed, he closed his eyes for a second taking a deep breather until his phone started ringing again. James had the urge to just kick his phone off the bed even though that wouldn't really accomplish anything however got up answering it.

"What!" He snapped.

"James Brewer." A familiar voice snapped only back. James scrunched his eyes as he heard his Mother's demanding tone on the other line. "Is that how you speak to your Mother nowadays?" James bit his tongue from grumbling back as he answered with innocent tone. "Sorry Mother, didn't exactly look at the caller ID. What is it you wanted?" He rubbed his forehead as he lay back onto his pillow. His Mother huffed on the other line before she said. "I came to see how you were. See how you and Harper are doing. Son, you should expect I would have called. This an actual monumental moment in your life, you have settled down, so of course I am going to be asking of you two." James took a deep breath, debating in his mind whether he should come clean or carry on this mess he made in the first place. Taking a moment he finally said. "We're fine. Great as ever." His Mother tutted on the other line. "Well, is she there? Can I speak to her?" James sat up, sighing down the line. "Mother, I'm not even at work yet and she's...been busy."

"Son, what's up? You don't seem too pleased." She asked. James bit his tongue as he raked his other free hand through his brown locks. "James?" She asked again.

"I'm fine Mother. Really, you just phoned when I had only woken up. Still half asleep." He chuckled falsely down the line. "Look I have to get ready for work, but I promise I talk to you later and hopefully Harper will too." He lied, knowing for certain there was no way Harper would be doing any favours soon, eventually he would have to cough up. His Mother sighed, blabbering her loves and kisses before James ended the call.

Climbing off his bed, he pulled a white linen shirt over his naked chest then reaching for a pair of black trousers to match. He sprayed his normal cologne onto his shirt before rubbing aftershave lotion across his neck and chin. James entered into the main area of his penthouse skipping breakfast completely as he walked out towards his garage. Let's see how today will work out today he thought.


Harper glanced at the clock on the wall noticing that James wasn't yet here and was rather late. She had already gone out to grab him coffee and had it waiting on the edge of her desk. It was nearly nine when the lifts finally opened, he stood there his broad shoulders slouched as got off the far wall and walked out. His eyes instantly braved a glance over to Harper who did the same. Both held their breaths before Harper was to break as she stuttered. "I-I coffee." James nodded as he approached heading for her desk to take the coffee but simultaneously both their hands met as Harper held the one side to the coffee cup as well did he.

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