Chapter 46- Worth the Wait

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"Harper..." James sang lightly near her earlobe. "Wakey, wakey. Rise and shine." Harper grumbled as she hugged the pillow tighter refusing to move an inch. James repeated it again getting no sudden movement from Harper at all, so rolling onto his side, he trailed his forefinger upon her back teasing in circular motions then began tugging on the straps of her pyjama top. "Baby, time to get up." He muttered, smirking as he could feel her tense between his touch. Moving his hand underneath her top, he trailed his hand from her back trailing across to her breasts, lightly squeezing.

Harper squealed. "James!"

Innocently smiling to himself, he placed a wet kiss upon her back causing Harper to turn quickly to face him. Her cheeks were flushed as she grumbled. "Can't I have few more minutes?" James smirked, leaning in as he kissed the end of her nose. "No, now get ready. I expect you out of this bed when I come back." Harper groaned turning onto her front as James threw the quilts of his legs and got up.

James returned back from the kitchen to see Harper still in the same position lying in bed, the curve of her bum poking from the quilts. He shook his head smirking to himself as he placed his cup of coffee on the bedside table before heading to the bottom of the bed. Moving his hands under the quilt, he grasped her ankles and started to tug. Harper squealed failing to hold onto the headboard as she was pulled down to the bottom of the bed.

Laughing to himself, he grinned. "I warned you." Turning her around onto her front he clamped her wrists down, straddling himself over her then leaned in as he pressed a harsh kiss to her lips. Harper blushed, arching her neck back as he began to flatter her with kisses upon her skin. The initial weight of him ontop of her made her body yearn for him.

"Harper...I want you now." He said, his voice rather breathless. Harper begged for his touch, more than that she couldn't help not to agree with him. Her chest rose fast, her eyes searching into his eyes that reflected hunger. James wandered across back to her lips, an inch away from her lips before the irritating ringtone of his phone began, disrupting their moment together. Climbing off, he groaned in frustration as he headed over to answer his phone.

Harper lay there, taking time to compose herself as she allowed her breathing to return to normal. She couldn't handle her own urges and this was the second time she had been closest and the same for someone to disturb. If she was honest, she was ready and all she wanted was to be loved, feel that intimacy with someone she deeply loved. James was more than that person. Considering it would be her first time and he was more experienced, honestly frightened her, the truth that he had been with many women before.

James finally ended the call, his grin lopsided as he spoke. "Now, you going to get ready or do I have to physically pick you up and put you in that shower?"

"I'm going! Jeez!" She blurted, as she jumped out the bed heading for the bathroom.

"And I suggest locking the door after you." He added. "Or I will be tempted to finish what I started." Harper blushed not daring to look back, knowing he would only patronise her more with that dazzling smile of his.

Eventually showered and dressed, Harper joined James for breakfast feasting on pancakes with maple syrup. He had even attempted to make a smiley face in hers but didn't really fit his plan although she had to give him a brownie point for trying. James read the news upon his phone taking occasional sips from his mug before standing up brushing his hands together as he announced. "You ready? At this rate you're eating like a slug." Harper frowned as she dropped her fork down. "Excuse you. What's the rush?" James smirked shaking his head as he picked her plate up including his heading towards the sink.

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