Chapter Six

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Daniella was rummaging through Harper's mini suitcase, inspecting every garment and digging into every compartment.

"So, where is it?"

"Where's what?" Harper said, frowning with confusion as she continued to pack her toiletry bag with her shampoo and conditioner. "Would you stop messing up my clothes!" she snapped lightly, reaching over to close the lid of the suitcase.

"I mean, where's the lingerie, the condoms, the something," Daniella replied with a wink.

"Dani!" Harper gasped. "What do you take me as? I'm not going to sleep with him. It's strictly a business weekend. You're terrible," said, rolling her eyes as she re-opened the lid on the suitcase and stuffed her toiletry bag in there.

"You're no fun. A hunk like that. Madness!"

"Yeah and you're a bad influence."

After an hour of packing, double-checking twice she had everything including her laptop charger, Harper was pretty sure she was ready to go. Daniella had the whole entire apartment to herself for the weekend and promised already she was having a date come over.

Her boss was shortly en-route, after informing her via text message. Harper couldn't lie when she supposed she was a bit excited to be accompanying him upon this work's trip. Things were looking a little up.

Pulling up outside the curb, Samuels parked the beast-of-a-SUV and got out to attend to her suitcase. Harper thanked him politely as she got in, the nerves suddenly tugging at her insides as she locked eyes on James, who was quietly browsing onoh his mobile phone. He didn't look up or make contact until he finished whatever was capturing his attention. Harper couldn't lie she felt an ounce of jealously when he briefly smirked at the screen before putting his phone away.

"Well, Miss Daniels, looking forward to this trip?" he asked, calmly placing his hands upon his lap. "As you've been informed, we're meeting Walter Jefferson at the Edge Hill Hotel. Just your usual investor discussions. I presume you have both your laptop and other necessary equipment to make notes?"

"Yes." Harper nodded. "All is packed."


He appeared to turn his attention away after that, returning to whatever had grasped his earlier attention from off his phone. It did dishearten Harper quite a bit as she sat there in silence, wondering whether she should put her earbuds in and catch up on music or a podcast or stupidly wait for him to make conversation. She opted for option A, placing her earbuds in as she shoved on a podcast and watched the scenery outside blur past.

It must have been twenty five minutes until the passing scenery slowed down. Harper looked forward, disappointed to see congestion up ahead. James must have noticed too as he piped up seeking his driver's attention, "Samuels, is there no other route around this?"

"I'm afraid not. Road works from both ends out of the city," Samuels replied.

James sighed, gently throwing his phone into his suit jacket pocket. "Just fucking great," he muttered under his breath.

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