Chapter 21- The GAME is ON

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Later that afternoon, Harper sat at her desk smirking as she dialled in a number into the telephone. Getting up she held the phone to her ear as she looked out of the window towards the ground floor where her target was.

"Hello. Mason's Towing Service." The voice on the other line said.

"Hello there, I'm looking for if you do parking clamps." Harper said, looking behind her to ensure James wasn't near her. The man on the other line shuffled with a piece of paper in the background before answering back. "Usually Mad'm I only tow cars but I do offer parking clamps to usually temporary hold the car down before anyone can pursue to drive off. So I can offer you but what would be the purpose?" He said.

"Erm, a car at Brewer's enterprise needs to be clamped down, Mr Brewer assisted that the car got clamped so the person knows not to park there again, they are literally parked near the front doors on the curb, not very suitable place to park at all." Harper said.

"Yes, I can do that. I could come in the next half hour to clamp the car down. The price for it will be £40." He said down the line. Harper smirked. "That will be great, I could meet you down there to show you the exact one. I'll text you the address in case you need."

"Okay, thanks." The man said before she ended the call. Harper smirked holding the phone near her lips to disguise the massive grin on her lips. The company card would cover the cost, I'm sure this would teach him to not sell another car of hers again. Still there was plenty to do, this was only little bit of the pay back she has planned for him. Harper sat at her desk as she began to continue to type on her computer replying back to clients.

James sat at his desk as he checked through his profits from his overseas establishments like Dubai. He pressed onto the intercom. "Miss Daniels, get me a coffee." Harper frowned getting up as she picked up her purse and phone. Going down in the lift, she received a text that the man was here already, Harper smiled as she met him outside. His shaggy blonde hair covered his eyes as he offered a hand to shake. "So is this the one?" He asked pointing to the expensive black sport car parked upon the curb. Harper nodded. "Yes, that's the one. I've the money, I just need to go collect something, I'll be right back." The man nodded before shoving back up the strap on his overalls as he walked back towards his van. Harper then began walking towards the coffee shop as she passed the crowds. She entered the coffee shop walking up the cashier.

"Could I order a coffee please, lots of milk and four teaspoons of sugar." She smiled, the barista nodded getting straight to the order. When the coffee was done, Harper began moving back to the firm to see if the man had finished putting the clamp on. The man got off his knees as he brushed his hands against his knees. "All done." Harper smiled pulling out money out of her purse before passing it over. The man nodded before returning to his van. Harper glanced at the job, a yellow clamp was stuck to the front wheel on the road, he would sure have diffculty trying to move that now. Harper moved back into the building entering the lift as she made her way back to floor fourteen.

James was standing talking onto his phone as Harper entered, slowly she entered shutting the door as she placed the hot coffee onto his desk. Harper stood waiting as James finished his call. He turned to face her before picking up his coffee. She was at this time however struggling to keep a straight face, James cocked his eyebrow as he held the coffee to his lips. "What have you done?" Harper shurgged her shoulders as she bit her lip. "Nothing, I am just in a happy mood I guess, I mean you were right, I should be grateful you did get me a new car in fact." James smirked. "Yes you should be." Before he took a sip from his coffee, instantly he pulled the coffee away from his lips coughing as he placed the coffee cup down. "Errg, what did you put in here?" He choked. "How much sugar did you ask for?" Harper gasped holding her hand to her mouth. "I asked what you usually ask for. They must have got your order mixed up with someone elses." James shook his head. "That coffee is spoilt." He said throwing the coffee into the wastebasket near him.

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