Chapter 20- GAME ON

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James fumbled with his wrist watch as Harper beside him was frowning as she looked outside. She couldn't think of why they ran off. "Why did we run off?" She asked, looking over to him. James looked up. "The press." Harper slightly nodded her head looking back outside, no wonder, it should have been obvious that it was the press, James was very popular amongst the press. Harper bit her lip closing her eyes before turning back to face him. "Are you embarrassed to be around me?" James cocked his eyebrow a frown forming upon his lips. "Of course not."
"Then why did we run off. Why not use the front door just walk past them all, I'm only your PA." Harper said fumbling with her seatbelt. James tensed. "It's not what they know, they could think your any woman, think I'm dating you." Harper looked down sighing. "Well, what is it between us?" James coughed looking at his phone. "Look, let's just you get back home first. Samuels take Miss Daniels home, I'll get someone to take your car back tonight." He said. Harper sighed inside, he couldn't even answer her question so what was she supposed to think, maybe this was all just for some fun and he would end up moving on, Harper didn't want that, she wanted to commit to a real relationship. She kept quiet for the rest of the journey as they headed for her apartment, James beside her was too busy to notice her saddened expression as he continued to type upon his phone. James didn't do love he knew that, anyone that met him knew he liked to move on from one to one, even in Highschool his relationships weren't official.

Samuels pulled up outside rising onto the curb. Samuels already had got out opening the door for her, Harper turned to face James who was to intrigued upon his phone to notice that she climbed out without even bothering to say goodbye. "Thank you." She smiled to Samuels who tipped his hat before closing the door behind her. Harper watched as the car drove off, she sighed pushing her strap of her bag up before walking to the front door. Dani was watching TV as Harper entered, Harper threw her bag on the side before collapsing down next to her.

"Your later than usual, the boss got you doing more stuff?" Dani asked. Harper groaned as she snuggled a pillow. "As usual." Dani snorted before turning the television off. "So I had a text message this morning at work." Harper tilted her head to face Dani. "From who?" Dani looked down for a second before reaching for her phone out of her back pocket. "Here, see for yourself, I have no clue who it is." Harper took her phone and opened the message, reading it over it was indeed very strange. It had read.

It's been a while. Looking forward to our next encounter. Keeping smiling darling x

Harper frowned before passing her phone back over. "It's must be someone with wrong number. I wouldn't worry about it." Dani shook her head, "I just think it was sent intentionally to me. It's seems familiar, Harp."
"Well if you get another one, send a message to them. But don't stress, I honestly think it's a mistake, a accident." Harper said. "Where's Duke?" She asked, looking down regretting even to be concerned where he was about. Dani cocked her eyebrow as she stretched her arms. "Oh, he's gone out. Said he was going to meet a lady friend." Harper nodded, thinking though how she was glad he was trying to move on, if that was what he was trying to do.
"You know I'm surprised you let your boss take you that night at the nightclub. I thought you hated the guy. Sure nothing happened that night?" Dani smirked. Harper blushed. "N-no! He was just being nice. It was a connivence he was there, look I still do ...hate the guy." She mumbled. Dani rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I still want to know when your thinking of dating again, woman you're not getting any younger." Harper cringed, tensed even. "Dani, I don't think I'm ready for the dating world yet and specially not up to your matching making skills. So no way!" Dani whined. "Your so boring. Jeez you're young, your supposed to be having random one night stands or getting drunk." Harper frowned before getting up. "I'm going to bed. Don't wake me up till morning." Dani snorted. "Party pooper."

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