Chapter 50- Damage

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Condensation settled on the transparent surface. Tears fell from either side of her cheeks as she pressed her palm against the surface before clenching her hand into a fist as she left James standing in the pouring rain.

Harper sat back in the chair, her fingers knotted together as she refused to wipe any of the tears away. It was not like she had the strength anyway. Nor did she want to. This moment would be the time she would remember to never trust her heart with anyone again.

The taxi dropped her off back to the apartment where Dani stood in the rain open-armed which Harper ran into to only break down even more. Dani said nothing only guided Harper inside then grabbed a towel wrapping it around Harper's shoulders. Harper sniffled gripping on the ends of the towel as she pulled on it to cover her body or over more for how her heart felt like it was being stabbed over and over.

Dani sat down opposite sighing as she wrapped her own towel over her shoulders. "I'm going to kill him. Look what he's done to you." Harper sniffled again shaking her head. "I'll be okay. I am a grown woman. I'll get over it."

"No you won't. I don't care who the hell he is, CEO or sexiest bachelor. He broke my best friend's heart and I won't be having it. Tomorrow I am going to pay him a visit." Dani objected.

"Dani." Harper muttered. "He's not worth it."

Dani reached over to squeeze her hand and added. "Harper, you're trying to be strong. But only I know you are not. Please, I can't stand to see you like this. He can't get away with it."

Harper shook her head, gripping Dani's hand in return. "No, that won't fix anything. This is what you're going to do for me. We're never gonna mention it again. Act as if I never got that stupid job." Then she laughed throwing her hands in the air. "And you know what, I am going out tonight. We are going out."

"What!" Dani blurted. "You're not fit to be going out. Harper you've just come out from a relationship. The guy broke your heart and you even know yourself that you're not thinking straight." Harper shook her head as she looked down then meeting Dani's eyes she said. "No, I won't be moping about and feeling sorry for myself. Dani, please...this is my way of coping with it. I need him out of my head and not have to think about him." She pleaded. Dani sighed in defeat. "Fine. But Harper, seriously I only want what's best for you. And this I feel won't help."

"I have to try." Harper persisted.


James hadn't achieved anything, he had watched Harper go, walk away from him. And now he was subject to having a cold. James sneezed again catching it within the tissue as Manny stoked the fire within the living room.

"Would that be all, Sir?" She asked. "No soup, coffee?"

James sniffled shaking his head as he pulled the blanket further up to his chest. "No, I should be fine." Manny nodded heading out towards the kitchen but halted and turned on her heel as she added. "Sir, might I ask if everything is okay?" James stopped blowing his nose, his nose turning red as he answered. "Yeah, I'm great Manny. Go home to your kids."

James sneezed again then groaned flopping his head back in frustration.

The following morning, James felt like he couldn't move. He ached all-over. It felt strange to exit the lift and not see Harper sitting there or the times when at his desk, he expected her to just walk right in. James didn't want to give up on her yet. Of course he didn't.

His phone began ringing and it just had to be Jackal Watkins.

"James!" Jackal exclaimed down the line. James resisted the urge to sigh and instead replied with his usual formality. "Mr Watkins, pleasure to hear from you again." Jackal chuckled down the line, "Oh, it is indeed. And I do bring good news surrounding the deal."

Miss Clumsy and the CEO (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now