Chapter Eight

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Daniella had been insistent Sunday night to know every little detail about Harper's adventure with the boss. Harper could only keep recycling the same phrase 'it was a normal business meeting, nothing more' refusing to add the details that her boss had quite possibly seen her naked and then had most definitely when he walked on her in the shower, deliberately. She was not in the mood to divulge that detail and listen to Daniella go on and on.

And before she knew it, it was Monday morning again.

To say she was anxious was an understatement. After that chaotic weekend, she wasn't sure what mood to expect him in or if the dynamic of the relationship had truly changed. Were they were going to be weird around each other, more understanding or was he just going to return his usual demeanour. These thoughts were racing around her mind as she entered the lift shaft amongst a dozen or so employees sharing the enclosed space. The CEO hadn't seen them naked; the thought crossed her mind making her blush. That was definitely not a normal occurrence.

As she exited the lift and headed towards her oval-shaped desk, she could hear confrontation exploding from his office. She couldn't pretend that she wasn't intrigued as she slowly sat down in her chair and gently placed her handbag aside her feet.

-"Son, you've completely made a fool of yourself. Walter is an old friend of mine just as much as he was the board's and you're telling me, you just turned down the deal!" An unfamiliar voice broke out into fury, their voice trailing down the corridor.

"I don't give a shit, dad," she heard James bark back. "The man is delusional. I won't have him take advantage him of my PA. He's a creep. I don't know what old tricks you used to get up to but I won't be in a partnership with someone like that."

Harper's interest peaked even more then. Was that why he was angry after the meeting? Take advantage of me? What did he mean by that? What had been said in there? She was desperate to know what had gone on but even more surprised by his defence to somewhat protect her from whatever malicious thing was proposed.

"Oh, grow up, James. I'm sure Walter meant it as a meaningless joke. You're ridiculous. Turning down a deal over a girl," his father who she could only presume for definite was his relationship to James, responded furiously back.

"I don't have time for this. Just let me run my business, dad," James replied calmly, his tone notching down a few as the conversation suddenly became less clear for Harper to tune into.

Hearing footsteps coming down towards her, she immediately distracted her attention to her desktop computer, quickly pretending to type which only resembled incoherent letters jumbled up together on the opened document.

Briefly catching a glimpse, she watched as his father shook hands with James sternly before disembarking from the scene and into the lift. James sighed.

"You didn't hear any of that, correct?" James asked her. He sounded vexed so she chose to lie shaking her head as she quietly muttered a no. "Good," he added, raking his right hand through his hair in frustration. "Could you grab me a coffee? I'm parched. And oh, get on top of those documents I need you to send out." Then he left the scene without another word needing to be said.

Miss Clumsy and the CEO (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now