Chapter 23- Falling harder and harder

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James couldn't believe she had put him in a restraint, dared to challenge him. He liked it, licking his bottom lip he pulled the handlebars down as the weights followed. At the crack of dawn he had been exercising down at the gym, pushing his strenght to the limit, this of course was entertainment towards the numerous women who couldn't help to gawk at him. He took it in, smirking at the few before he focused purely on exercising his arms. James was impressed to say the least that Harper had teased him, it had sent his heart rate out of control and the pure essence of her sweet frangance turned him on. What was happening to him? He shook his head before getting off the equipment, his shirt stuck to his skin, the sweat cascading off his forehead as he strived to the following weights.

After his morning exercise, James was stationed at his desk surprised as a guest he unepxected to come,entered. James stood up frowning as he watched his Mother walk in. Her brown greying locks were held up in a bun as she marched towards him throwing her purse onto one of the couches. James coughed watching as his Mother met him at his desk.

"Mother, what a pleasant surprise!" He smiled, still cautious of the body language she had, her eyes laserpointed at him as she huffed. "Son, I'm not stupid. How long did you think I was going to forget about this dinner I planned. And this girl, do you even have a girlfriend?" She snarled. James cringed raking his hand through his hair as he looked towards his Mother. "Of course I have, Its just she's busy." He mumbled.

"Busy! Honey, I'm sure she can spare a moment upon the weekend. I want to see her, I was very pleased when you told me you settled, I was sick and tried of hearing all thoes love scandals upon tabiold and tabiold. Son I'll have no excuses for you coming this Saturday." She ordered. James smiled, though inside he was fretting what to do, his Mother was very demanding and he wouldn't dare challenge her opinion. "Yes. Okay." He sighed.

She smiled pursing her lips. "Good, I'll have your Father know, don't let me down, Son. I just want you to be happy. Now Saturday at seven, okay?" James nodded before his Mother squeezed his cheek as she petted his shirt down and cooed. "I love you." James smiled, slightly embarrassed by all her cooing but kissed her cheek anyway. "Now come, I have work. I'll walk you to the lifts." He said, holding his Mother's arm. James guided his Mother to the lifts, slowly looking over to the vacant desk of Harper's, he cringed knowing there was no way of getting out of this. He didn't have a girlfriend, was planning of one and now his Mother was onto him like a pack of wolves. His Mother smiled before he passed her over her purse. "I'll see you Saturday, Son." She said before the lift doors closed. James nodded before tensing, shit now what was he going to do. James walked back over to his office as he sat down on the chair, he couldn't use any of the models he oftened dated because then that would threaten the deal he had with Jackal, he sighed as he placed his feet upon the desk as he crossed his arms.

Harper was sorting through all the mail as Dani at the breakfast table was shovelling down a mouthful of cereal. One of the letters were addressed to Dani, the writing was very scruffy and had no post stamp so it was hand delievered.

"You have a letter." Harper said as she walked over to Dani. She snatched the letter out of Harper's hand and ripped the one end fast. Harper sat down opposite watching as Dani frowned as she skimmed through the letter. Shrugging her shoulders she handed the letter over. "Its like the last one I got." She grumbled before taking another spoonful of cereal. Harper took ahold of the letter and read through. Dani was right, it was like the last one.

"I am counting down the days till I see you again. All by love darling. x"

Harper frowned putting it on the table, something seemed strange about this and didn't settle Harper's thoughts well. "Must be wrong apartment." She said. Dani snorted as she got up throwing the letter into the bin. "Or stalker, I better be going to work anyway. Let's hope I'm not kidnapped by a random stranger trying to pledge his ulitmate love for me." She smirked before grabbing her bag. Harper nodded before tensing as she watched Duke walk into the kicthen, he rubbed his eyes stretching as he placed bread into the toaster. Dani nudged him in the shoulder. "I have a stalker." She beamed. Duke nodded rolling his eyes playfully before she announed. "Well, I'm going. Be safe you two." Before she walked out the front door. Harper held her arm as she looked to the floor, the awkard slience dawned and only the popping of the toast surrounded the room creating a unsettling mood.

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