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"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." Moulin Rouge 2001

Frankly Harper had never expected this, any of this. Spilling that coffee had stirred James Brewer to shed warmth and love into her life. The man who invested in time, money and woman exchanged his past in share for his future beside someone who trekked to conquer what he never knew he could feel: Love. Harper hadn't planned nor expected to find love considering her low self-esteem to not believe she had beauty at all and the numerous dates that ended with total embarrassment. It was unexpected, although she couldn't complain knowing that James fled confidence back into her life and made her feel beautiful, loved and special to his heart and beyond.

Harper fumbled with the locket between her fingertips, her lips curling without doubt as she closed her eyes gradually. Sensitive to his touch, his fingers caressing each of side her shoulders and the escape of his breath tickling across the bare skin of her neck before teasingly biting on the lobe of her ear.

"Mmmmm, tonight is the night." James uttered close to her hair as she relaxed against his embrace. Harper laughed lightly as she turned within his embrace, "Ah, it is. Isn't it?" James smirked wrapping his arms around her waist, "I love that sound."

"You're so weird." She scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully.

James laughed swaying her gently side to side then sang teasingly, "Harper Daniels... Harper Daniels." Harper bit back a smile as she hid her face in his neck glowing red in the cheeks at the performance of his and he still continued, "My baby is mine. That sexy...beautiful woman is mine..."

"James!" She protested, the corner of her lip tugging upwards. "Stop! You're so....

-What?" He smiled tightening his arms around her. "You secretly love it. You know you do."

Harper sighed, "You, Mister." Prodding her finger at his chest as she pulled back.

"Mister." He growled at the back of his throat. "That is f**king sexy when that leaves your mouth." His hands slithering further down her back until they were comfortably resting on her bottom. Harper rolled her eyes playfully them trailing afar from his eyes that it gave him time to attempt to move the end of her skirt carefully up her thighs.

Swatting his hands away, she declared, "You cheeky devil!"

James snickered, innocently lifting his shoulders up as he retraced his arms around her waist. Harper knew that in good time she would be defeated in succumbing to his tricks. Only she'd poke in her own fun before that. Ever so delicately she trailed her hand across his chest, her smile reaching his eyes before she twisted hard on his nipple.

"F**k!" He yelped, laughing as ever as he chased after her whom ran from the bedroom proceeding fourth to the kitchen. Harper laughed scurrying to the other side of the marble counter with James taking opposite side.

"When I get you, you're going to regret it." He said, his smile rather dark and scheming.

"Oh, really?" She retorted, raising her eyebrows agitating his unruly patience. Harper moved around the counter ready to move more on foot until her travel was cut short leading her to trip and fall on her bottom. Harper squealed in delight when James lunged restraining her back on the floor as she tried to get back up to feet.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked, his eyebrow lifting as she wriggled beneath him.

"Euggh, you're too heavy!" She groaned.

Miss Clumsy and the CEO (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now