Chapter Seventeen

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Viewers are warned that some parts are mature.

James smirked, a mischievous smirk upon his lips as if he was like a naughty school boy. Harper gulped as she gradually sat up. James moved so that he was leaning on his side, his head resting upon his hand as he watched Harper's cheeks completely turn red.

"E-E-Erm, I-I better..." Harper stuttered as she began moving her legs out the quilt, James remained amused watching as she struggled to remove herself from the bed of his sheets. It was then that her foot got stuck tangled in the sheets that she fell off the bed falling on to her back. Harper quickly got up feeling more humilated as she moved around the bed. James lips' curled at the sight of her. "I-I should get...changed." She stuttered before opening the door to the bathroom immediately.

Harper held her hands to her mouth. What had she done? Not only falling over but she must have spent a entire night in her boss' arms. Gosh just thinking how close she was to his bare, naked chest and the grip of his arms around her made her feel safe. This was much worse than the kiss she thought, she could come up with a excuse for that, but this how could she or even they explain why they ended into each others comfort. Harper held her arm as she bit her lip. She only realised that she entered the bathroom without her clothes, gosh she still couldn't get over the fact she had a spent a night with her boss, clothed in his shirt, oh how she didn't want to take it off.

Harper shook her head before turning the door knob slowly, she opened the door ajar but froze when she saw her boss naked, her eyes trailed at his bare back running down to his bottom and legs, she was just glad he was not facing forward. He was literally naked and she couldn't help not to take her eyes away, she cringed just about to close the door when he spoke out. "I can see you, you know. Your clothes I assume you want." He said, she could just see him smirking, the playful tone in his voice. Harper blushed as she covered her eyes looking down. "Sorry, I...I didn't realise you were getting changed." She muttered. James wrapped a towel around him grinning to himself before turning around. Oh how tempting it was to just take her to his bed right now he thought. He knew the effect it was having on her just by her cheeks completely turning pink.

Could this day get anymore worse Harper thought. How her heart rate was beating out of control as he walked over grabbing her clothes and passed it to her. He smiled, making her more like jelly on the knees. Oh how ridiciously hot he was she thought. Harper nodded her head before shutting the door quickly. She sunk down the floor, she saw her boss naked! Just how thankful she was not to have seen his front even how tempting that sounded. How did he know she was there? And surely he would have taken into the account she was in the bathroom so getting naked might have come to mind that he could have waited. Harper felt like fainting, this day was going to get more humilating as it went on she thought. Going to work with your boss after waking in his arms, wearing his shirt and seeing him completely naked, this will be diffcult.


Harper sat at the breakfast table, still in his house as he sat opposite her reading the newspaper his leg crossed over the other as what was assumed his housekeeper made both of them breakfast. Harper had to wear yesterday's attire which really isn't suitable for the office, especially a dress that barely reached past her knees. "Feel any better?" He asked, placing the paper down. Harper nodded. "Yes, thanks for yesterday." She mumbled looking away afraid to meet his eyes.

"Is it alright if we get there seperate? Samuels will drop you off and I'll drive there by myself, I'm sure you had for one day." He mumbled the last words making Harper cringe as she looked over to the housekeeper who was too distracted. Harper glanced down before taking a large sip from her cup, she could tell he was enjoying himself. Why didn't she just go home, save all this embrassement. But she couldn't because she couldn't bare to face Duke. She still needed to talk to him even if it meant their friendship could no longer be how it used to be. She felt a cold shiver just run down her back just thinking about how he touched her and his lips crashed onto hers, it was all wrong she thought. Duke was just a friend.

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