Chapter Ten

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Something about hearing the chorus of bird tweeting and singing in the morning was peaceful to James. It was probably the only time of the day when he could really dwell on thoughts without being interrupted by work or other matters.

At this moment and time, what had become a mystery to him was the thought of his personal assistant sitting on the forefront of his thoughts. Harper Daniels. It was probably no surprise that he was attracted to her but it was strange that he had not had her in his bed. It was no difficulty to get a woman into his bed but oddly, she hadn't seen the dawn of it.

The thought of Harper lying aside him naked was enough to stir his crotch awake. She was ordinary. Not bad thing but most of the women he'd dated were models, Instagram influencers or daddy's little princess', those entitled women who spent at least a dozen on botox, skincare or plastic surgery. Harper, well she was all natural. She was shy, less outspoken and from what he could see, a little reluctant to jump his bones. Does she even find me attractive, he wondered. Of course, why wouldn't she? Look at me.

James felt desire run through his veins as the thought of her biting her bottom lip defensively, a habit he'd noticed, popped up into his mind. He began to masturbate, infatuated by the thought, yearning to have her aside him so he could do whatever he wanted. Oddly, he felt guilt spring upon him, causing him to stop. Fuck. He raked his right hand through his hair with frustration.

What is it about her? What makes her so different? Why did he feel so suddenly filthy for doing so?

Refusing to dwell any longer, he got up and slid on a pair of boxers.

Heading out of the masters bedroom, he tried to shake the thoughts off, knowing it wasn't healthy to yearn after someone who was far beyond his usual take. And someone who should strictly remain in the professional boundary.

A clatter of noise coming from the front of the penthouse suddenly caught his attention. Rushing through the corridor he was shocked to see who he did not expect to be rummaging through his kitchen cupboards.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he frowned, somewhat calmer than he expected.

Ahead of him, a woman with dark black hair, curled and sleek, smiled, her painted red lips slyly curling upwards. "Miss me, hon?" Blowing a pretentious kiss afterwards.

"Miss you? Katherine, I detest the sight of you," he remarked.

"Ouch. I love you too," she chuckled lightly, "baby I would have expected you to be a lot happier to see me."

"What are you doing here Katherine? Seriously," James responded, sighing as he headed towards his fridge to grab the carton of orange juice.

Katherine smiled. "To see you. I mean after-all, what's a woman supposed to do when their partner ditches them in the hotel room in Milan, Italy. I was quite upset, you know?"

James rolled his eyes without an ounce of pity. "Katherine get over yourself."

"James, that's not how you're supposed to treat your future fiancé," she said, pursing her lips.

"We're not engaged nor are we dating. It was a meaningless fling, love," James replied, shaking his head before taking a huge gulp from the cartoon.

She frowned, closing the distance between them as she approached him. "We were. The tabloids have exposure on us. Don't deny it, James."

"I wouldn't in a million years marry you, Katherine," he sneered.

Katherine rolled her eyes, toying a mischievous glint in her eyes as she gently placed her left hand on his naked chest. Her red manicured nails slowly began to trace down, following the contour of his abs sending a pleasant shiver down James' spine. "Oh honey, even so, we're never gonna be old news."

Infatuated by lust and the appetite for sex, James submitted to his hunger, grabbing her by the waist and lifting her onto the nearest counter as their lips tangoed in a heated clash.

It was no surprise that she ended up in his bed minutes later. At least it had stolen the thought of his personal assistant out of his mind. 

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