Chapter 53

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This is the end.

Hold your breath and count to ten.

The song played softly in the background but his mind was distant away. He had been sitting on the couch since Samuels dropped him back home leaving Manny in despair to what she could do. James just couldn't stop thinking about what he saw. Harper actually left with Ethan; the man he had despised. How? Why? James had become the state of a ghost, words passed straight through him and he began to feel transparent himself.

-"Mr Brewer?"

-"Mr Brewer?"

Numerous times Manny tried to catch his attention but he just didn't respond. He couldn't understand. It was like an intense riddle that he had been attempting for over months trying to resolve. Why? Why did she leave with him? James knew that he had become weaker, fragile over the topic of Harper, for being without her had changed him. He had no backbone. James was a coward and was no longer that stronger powerful man that months back he was.

Manny was clearing his empty glass from the side when she jumped out of her skin as James bashfully slammed his hands on the coffee table centred before him. James stood up running his hands through his hair as he raced towards the kitchen grabbing his car keys off the counter.

"Mr Brewer! Is everything okay?" Manny called out, chasing him until she halted watching as he slammed the front door behind him.

James got into his car burning rubber as he sped out the garage heading onto the main road. He took onto changing gears till he was reaching top speeds that needed great handle. He knew where he was going. Stopped slightly drifting to the left as he turned the ignition off jumping out the car as he headed to the glass doors. James threw the doors open heading straight to the lift that opened its doors giving him chance to escape the demanding receptionist who followed behind on his trail just missing him as the doors closed. No one else occupied the lift as it went on up to the top floor. James didn't even give the doors chance to open as he pushed through heading on as he passed a blonde haired assistant who called out after him. James went on opening the door flooding into the office where Ethan sat bemused trying to hide his shock by James' sudden in burst.

"You f**ker!" James growled heading over to his desk rushing past as thrashed his hand out grabbing Ethan by the collar. Ethan laughed dryly. "What brings your presence?"

-"Sir, would you like me to call security?" His PA interjected in.

"Oh no. Casey do me a favour and stand outside. James here, is just getting a little too friendly." He said, brushing James' hand from his collar. James only grabbed back with two hands lifting Ethan off his feet. "Where is she?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Who?" Ethan chuckled, ever so innocently smirking.

"Where is she?" James growled rattling Ethan.

"You mean Harper, I thought she never meant anything to you." Ethan said, his eyebrows lifting as he watched James' face flood with realisation.

"You. Your f**king plan. Stringing Katherine into this? You two f**king each other, such a nasty thought." James spat.

"Oooo but we both know she's good in bed. Don't we James? And Harper, wait till I get a taste of her." He smirked. James instantly reacted throwing a punch into Ethan's face causing his lip to break a bleed. Ethan laughed shaking his head. "Anger. Always the same. Though Harper, she's mighty fine. Seen her ass? Hey, we all know you seen that." James growled in the back of his throat as he pulled Ethan along throwing him against the wall.

-"Don't you f**king talk about her like that!"

"Why? Am I hurting your feelings?" He laughed. James threw a punch into his stomach causing Ethan to wheeze, James attacked again watching as Ethan dropped below to his feet wheezing however still trying to make of a joke with it all, a smirk plastered on his lips.

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