Chapter 44- Heart Bleeds for you

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Harper couldn't actually believe what actually happened, it was rather bizarre. She fiddled with the pendant between her fingers unable to stop smiling. The faint flare radiating upon her face, distracted to even notice the moving scene before her or the sound the of chomping beside her. Nothing could put her down. She relaxed back in the chair, the sounds of his words repeating over and over in her head.

She was that far away, she didn't see Elliot who was waving the popcorn box near her. She snapped immediately out of her daze. "Oh, sorry." She whispered.

"You want some?" He smiled, the flicker of light upon the side of his face. Harper shook her head smiling as she finally took attention to the screen.

By the end of the movie, Elliot offered to drop her off her home. She was still feeling rather guilty, the fact James had played an imposter on him last weekend. Elliot pulled up outside smiling to himself as he turned off the engine, the faint background of singing in the background following as awkwardness settled. He placed his hands on his knees as he turned to face Harper.

"It was a great night." He beamed. Harper smiled feeling rather anxious. She looked down to her knotted hands before Elliot added. "So...I-I-I...well." He laughed nervously. Harper quickly cut in. "You're an amazing friend Elliot." Elliot slightly blushed as in return he smiled. "You're great...too. You...really are." Harper looked down again feeling his glaze intensify upon her.

" know." Harper blabbered as she pointed outside. Elliot nodded as he coughed. "Yeah. I'll walk to your door." Harper couldn't argue as he got out, she followed out meeting him on the pavement as he began walking her to the door. Harper pushed a strand of hair from her face as she smiled as Elliot held his hands his pocket beaming, his cheeks still slightly red.

"Thank you for tonight." Elliot smiled. "You're an amazing person." Harper smiled before pulling him into a brief hug; the pain of guilt stung like a wasp. "Sometime I feel like I don't deserve your friendship." She said as she pulled back.

"Nonsense!" He snapped. "Of course you do." He smiled again before the door before them opened in abrupt motion. Harper jumped slightly back as Dani stood there in the doorway, her hair in a messy bun as she cocked her eyebrows. "I wondered why I could hear all these talking." She said. Instantly Harper watched as Dani eyes' softened meeting Elliot's. It took her moment to realise that there was an instant connection. As did Elliot who seemed almost unable to speak as he just stood there, a blush creeping upon his neck.

Harper coughed. "Dani, I hope I didn't wake you up." Dani blinked several times as she faced Harper. "No, not at all. I...was just...well." She smiled. "Just. Ermmm." The nerves biting at her, knowing it was because of Elliot's presence.

Elliot piped up. "Hi. I'm E-

"My friend. I'll see you at work tomorrow." She nodded, hoping Elliot would take the message. He coughed, his hand stretching to the nape of his neck trying to disguise his blush. "Oh, yeah. Right. Ermmm. I'll better be going. Nice to hang out, Harper." He blabbered before scurrying towards his parked car. Harper could see the sadness flicker in Dani's eyes as she longing watched as he got in his car before she quickly looked away.

"So..." She coughed. "Who was that?"

Harper stepped in guiding Dani fourth knowing the truth had to be told especially if it seemed Dani feels something for him. A part of her couldn't help to feel relief, she didn't want to have to break Elliot if he did have some sort of feelings for her.

"Let's go sit down." Harper informed as she moved onto the couch. Dani flopped down pulling a blanket over her legs as she rested the side of her head on her hand. "I was going to say, you aren't cheating on your boyfriend!" She laughed nervously, it cut short as Harper sighed. "Dani, that...was Elliot." Dani's brow knitted together as she laughed. "Yeah. Sure. Your boyfriend is Elliot! You can't tell me that is the same person from the weekend!" Harper bit her lip as she looked down to her feet. "I...lied. That person is Elliot."

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