Chapter 52- Ethan

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"Harper Daniels." Ethan announced clasping his hands together. Harper slightly smiled as she followed Dani into the room where crew were setting up in preparation for his interview.

"Mr Donovan." Harper said offering a smile in return although she wasn't really feeling it at all. Ethan shook his head. "Drop the formality, Ethan will be fine." Then he added. "I'm glad you accepted my offer to join me in another coffee. Hopefully we won't be disturbed like our last interruption." He chuckled. "I'll get this interview packed up then we'll be off." Smiling as he followed Dani to the side where she had her box of make-up ready to go.

Then standing in the corner away from any wires knowing they were hazards for her clumsiness she was soon joined by Dani as they watched Ethan speak to the presenter about numerous things.

Dani whispered. "Lucky you, coffee with him. How do you do it?"

Harper rolled her eyes as she muttered back. "Yeah, lucky me. I just hope instead of the interview getting packed up, I have this discussion packed up with him." Dani snorted covering her hand with her mouth trying her best to not disturb the ongoing interview especially from the looks she was gaining from some of the crew.

By the time he was finished, Dani had nudged her to tell her what happens before leaving her alone with Ethan who smiled eagerly. "Shall we?"

Harper followed him to a small café just around the corner where a waitress returned with their cups of coffee placing it down in the centre of the table. The silence was awkward before that and it was only now that Ethan decided to speak up. "I do hope I'm not putting you on the naughty list for missing work." He smiled then took a sip from his cup.

"I don't exactly have a job so no its fine." Harper replied refusing to meet his eyes as she took a sip from her cup herself. Ethan's eyebrows lifted as she struggled to get his words out. "No job? Harper, I don't understand. How?"

Harper dreaded this; she had been planning ways to dodge this. "I guess my boss didn't see me fit enough for the job." She lied.

"That doesn't sound like you. Might I add I have seen your outstandable CV. That is most irritating." He said shaking his head. Harper shrugged her shoulders. "Its fine, I have experience so getting work shouldn't be too hard."

Ethan shook his head as he leaned more over the table. "Harper, I won't accept that. My earlier offer stands before to work for me. Our financial department needs someone like you. You shouldn't have even had been under as his PA."

Harper smiled slightly. "I thank you but I would see that extremely as unfair to others that may be waiting in line for a job at your firm."

"No, no. Harper, if more, this firm has been waiting for you. Please consider my offer. Others I have looked at do not meet my requirements and I tell you...I do have high standards." He objected. Harper didn't answer for that moment and only took another sip from her coffee.

Ethan sighed as he looked down to the table before meeting her eyes again. "Harper, I don't want to lie anymore. I have been. Mr Brewer's firm and mine have more than light competition, it's very personal to the matter. And I feel that you might be lying to me about the real reason he dismissed you." Harper's eyebrows lifted up as she bit down on her lip. Ethan shook his head as he added. "You don't have to tell me the truth but I just want to tell you the real truth. I feel you have a right to know."

Harper shook her head. "I don't think it's necessary."

"But I do." Ethan replied. He briefly looked around him before adding. "James was once by best friend, whatever you want to call it. Mate, buddy, basically we were close. Close that we once went to the same private school then university later." Harper couldn't deny that she wanted to listen on.

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