Chapter 32- Green Eyed Monster

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By Friday morning Harper was deliberately trying to come up with excuses to herself of why she couldn't go into work, but in actual fact there was no point,so in defeat she had to get up and about. Dani was fumbling through Harper's closet when she returned from the bathroom, searching top and bottom oblivious that Harper was watching.

"Dani? What are you doing?" Harper asked, her eyebrow cocked as she leaned against the door frame. Dani jumped merely missing the tumbling jumper that fell from the top. "What?" She innocently muttered. "If you would like me to make you look sexy and totally edible then I need to check what you have in your pit." Harper rolled her eyes. "Dani, this is just a friend, you do understand that?" Dani folded her arms pursing her lips. "Why can't you accept the fact this guy might be interested in if he asked you out. Besides would you just let yourself go tonight, I am trying to help you keep your mind off that... boss." Harper sighed, thinking back to yesterday before nodding slowly. "Fine, just don't make me look...not me. Okay?" Dani nodded, pulling on her messy bun as she mockingly saluted turning back around to search through the closet once again.

Harper didn't really feel up tonight but if Elliot gone out to that trouble to ask her, she didn't want to upset him. Besides, Elliot only saw her as a friend, right? Harper walked past a grumbling Dani still at her closet and just as she was about to reach for her blouse and skirt, Dani slapped her hand away.

"Hey what was that for?" Harper whined, as she rubbed at the red mark. Dani grabbing a garment from the closet passing it over to Harper or rather throwing in it her face. "You are wearing this today." She said, smiling as if she made a huge achievement. Harper frowned looking at what was a orange fitted dress, she hadn't even remembered seeing this before, it was like unearthing a new treasure and the fact Dani had found it in there, must be hint that it was either a gift she was never planning to wear or a clothing she had only worn once. "Why? What's wrong with my skirt and blouse?" Harper asked. Dani shook her head before narrowing her eyes as she pointed at Harper. "You will wear this today. I want to see that boss of yours drool all over you, make him feel the fool."

Harper sighed. "Dani,I'm not doing that. I told you I'm fine, not even bothered anymore." Dani pursed her lips. "You call crying on your bed which I heard is not being bothered. He's messing with your feelings and you need answers girl. My way will work, all you need to do is wear the dress, talk about this date tonight like its the best night ever and f**king get that guy to know your the best dam thing he has met." She said, her bun slowly falling to the side from her aggressive hand failings.

"No. I'm not doing that." Harper informed trying to reach for her skirt and blouse but failed in misery as Dani pushed her onwards to the bathroom. "Get in there. And put that dress on. Or you'll be late for work." She persisted. Duke himself had only just woken as he exited the room seeing what all the commotion was about. "What's going on?" He yawned. Dani stood by the bathroom door folding her arms standing on guard.

Harper couldn't escape her best friend so the dress had to go on. Putting it on there was a slight struggle; this was one of the reasons why Harper enjoyed just wearing plain, simple clothing. The dress was fitted so of course it would hug onto her body, this again only adding less confidence to herself. Harper sighed reaching for the doorknob and immediately looked down to the floor as she awaited for her friend's reaction.

"You look hot." Dani blurted, her eyes looking up and down. "He is totally going to dig that. And don't fuss about tonight, I'll have that all sorted." Duke frowned peeping around the corner as his breath hitched seeing the sight of Harper just standing there. He couldn't keep his eyes from roaming across her body that he saw the hesitant movement Harper did in trying to return back into the bathroom. "What guy?" He asked cautiously. Dani held her finger to her lips dragging Harper to the front door and on the way grabbing her black heels. Harper was literally pushed around the apartment until stopped to give her chance to put her heels on.

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