Chapter 62

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Ethan had been humiliated that day. Jackal his partner in crime sought to never speak to him again. Their deal was destroyed and resulted in trying to polish his face. The recent news of James getting shot had struck him, for what may have been a little moment he sympathised knowing their past as friends although as dark as he saw himself that soon disappeared and he felt no empathy whatsoever. James had humiliated him. He now had the dogs trailing on his back. Few bringing back up the case of Kate that he paid to have dug deep and out of reach from the press. Thanks to James, he had matters to deal with, although in all modesty he'd to give it to him. Not bad for the d**khead.

Katherine had also attempted to swarm herself back in afraid of his threat. She had begged him to not walk in those doors. Offered him everything, even her herself. Greedily as he was, Ethan had taken advantage of the situation f**king her so hard that she cried in defeat wanting no more. And of course despite her plea and offering herself which might he add that she asked willingly from him, that didn't stop him from spreading the truth about Katherine. Tarnishing her reputation in the modelling agency.

James had nearly destroyed him, but the case of money costed him saving his own ass.

Katherine for once felt disgusted in herself as she held her arms resting on the floor next to broken glass. The silk robe offered no comfort as she sat there staring at the broken pieces feeling just as broken. Ethan had left an hour ago. F**ked her hard. Her punishment for failing. How stupid to think that she thought perhaps Ethan had loved her. The countless hot nights they spent together was nothing, she knew at first but the comfort of him grew close to think that he did. Part of her knew that despite giving her body to him, he'd stop at the chance to ruin her.

Her own stupid fault.

Now the words of Ethan ring in her mind. "You f**king sl**! " He had laughed as he walked out, tie lopsided and shirt hanging out loose when she had admitted she had fallen for him.

"Harper! I'm okay." James laughed as she fussed with the pillows ensuring he was comfortable sitting back. She sighed placing her hands on her hips, "I need to make sure you're okay." James shook his head unable to remove the smile that leapt onto his lips. Patting the couch he jerked his chin forward, "Here, come and take a seat next to me." James said. Harper hesitated but was defeated by his performance of puppy eyes and pouting that she gently sat beside him. Instantly James pulled her into his arms, "Now I'm comfortable." He sneered subsequently kissing the top of her head.

Harper without delay melted in his embrace closing her eyes as she exhaled, "Can we just sit here like this all day?"

James chuckled, "Course we can, baby."

The morning when his parents including herself came to collect James, he was already up and about preparing the little stuff he had to take with him. Harper had little interest in what she packed in her luggage to stay over his for the time being and rather concerned about ensuring she got there for him. Now here she was cuddling in his arms where for once she didn't have to feel insecure or worry on their relationship knowing in this moment, James had promised his heart and vice a versa. During her little removal from society, in otherwords kidnapped against her will, she had missed the importance of James' speech and how it implicated her. Gossip and news spread like a forest fire on the subject of James' refusal in marriage and now his recent injury. Common perceptions were that Harper was involved in a romantic affair destroying the potential marriage between him and Eleanor, and others went on to prod out her social background exclaiming how she'd arrived on James' scene mysteriously. None however caught up to that she worked for James, thanks on Michael's behalf who tried to extinguish much of the gossip as possible. Harper took no interest, she couldn't care less what they had to write on her as long as she and James were happy, and only they knew the truth. And besides it wouldn't be long till they found something new to fuss over. As for Sam, the hearing for his sentence was soon not either excluding Duke whose involvement had shocked Dani. No words could describe her hatred or could Harper divert the countless apologise she received. In honestly, she had herself to blame. She had the chance to do something about it.

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