Chapter 42- Fun

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Harper was dreading the weekend by the time it came around; there was no way James' plan would work. It was madness she thought. His face was all over newspapers, the internet and even books so how could he possibly change so no one would notice. And she would have to come up with suitable lie to persuade Dani to allow this stranger to come. And what's saying James won't use this as an opportunity to threaten Duke. Harper sighed as she flopped back onto the couch. Just as she did, Dani entered the living area rambling onto Duke who was hot on her trail.

"Dani, come on tell me." Duke persisted, the irritation within his tone. Dani shook her head as she sat on the opposite couch to Harper.

"What's going on?" Harper asked, limiting eye contact with Duke. Instead it wasn't Dani to answer instead Duke as he mumbled. "She won't tell me where we are going." He sighed as he flopped down next to Dani.

"I want it to be a surprise!" Dani exclaimed. "Patience boy." She rolled eyes chuckling to herself. Duke pouted folding his arms across his chest. "I've been patient enough, you two have been off to work and I've been left here alone." Dani frowned. "Awh, Duke. You've should have booked to see us when we were off work."

"How was I supposed to know?" He grumbled. Dani laughed giving him a side hug as she pinched his cheek, as if he was rather a small smile. "Well, we'll make it up to you today. Okay? Fun, fun is all we gonna do. Right Harper?"

Harper nodded trying a smile. "Course. I...actually have to tell you something-

However before she could even finish her sentence, bell upon the door went off. Dani grumbled slouching her shoulders as she took no effort in breaking for the door, instead rather like a slug trailed over there before taking a peek through the peek hole.

"Who's this? Harper, anyone you know? Duke?" She muttered, confusion written all over her face. Harper got up quickly scurrying over as she took a look through, immediately her face dropped however she tried to make it look not as oblivious as she stood back looking to the floor. Duke followed after and shrugged his shoulders. "Not a clue. Want me to have this punk?" He said. Dani snorted. "Punk?"

Harper piped in. "Actually I might. Give me a second." There was something familiar about this person. In unison Dani and Duke both frowned watching as Harper opened the door, their curiosity as they tried to look over her shoulder. Harper shoot the door behind them, this time able to take closer look at this stranger. "Can...I help you?" She muttered. The figure smirked holding their hands out gesturing towards their face. "Harper, its James. Your boss who at the moment is offended you wouldn't be able to recognise me." He said. Harper's eyes widened as the realisation sunk in. She could hear the whispers of her roommate and Duke by the door so holding her finger towards her lips gestured him to follow her down the path. James cocked his eyebrow but didn't protest as she led him up back to her car, which she might add wasn't his and rather wouldn't be something he would be caught dead driving.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, noticing the flicker of blinds within their apartment through the corner of her eye. They were watching. James leaned on the car, his head resting against his hand as he just continued to smirk. "What you're not at all bothered by my appearance?" Harper then only took in the fact his brown, ruffled hair was replaced with blonde curls rather than the one she was used to and enjoyed running her hands through.

"What did you do to your hair?" She gasped. James' smirk didn't deflate. "I have a change. I told you I was coming and drastic measures were needed. So..." He kissed his teeth. "I changed hair colour." Harper glanced back towards the window cautious not to make a huge scene as she grumbled back. "It's not permanent is it?" James shook his head. "Baby, blonde isn't my colour. Of course it's temporarily." Harper sighed in relief before muttering. "I thought you were only joking when you said you were going to tag along."

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