Chapter 25- Weekend with You

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James lay in his bed, entertaining the thought how Harper had passed out last night. Rolling his head to his right, he studied how Harper slept peacefully near him, her lips were slightly parted and the sound of her breathing was comforting to him. Gently unable to resist, he brushed his fingers against her cheek, so soft against his touch. What was she doing to him he thought. Harper stirred in her sleep, her nose wrinkling as she opened her eyes. It startled her when James was awake next to her, the covers barely covering his fine body as he looked ahead at the ceiling.

"Morning." He said. Harper slightly smiled before sitting up. She glanced down to her attire and was grateful that she was still in last night's dress and that he had not attempted to dress her. She could only remember everything going dark before waking up next to him now. James pushed the quilts off his legs revealing him only in his boxers. Harper blushed remembering the fond memory of when he literally started stripping off in front of her last night.

"I know I have a great body to look at." He grinned, causing her to blush even more as she removed her eyes away. Harper got off the bed, pulling down her dress that had caught at back rising a little higher than she liked.

"You know you fainted last night." He said getting up. Harper tried her best not to look and only nodded as she bit her lip. James rolled his eyes playfully still grinning. "I can see morning isn't your thing, I am going to take a shower, won't be long." He walked past, his shoulder brushed against her causing a shudder down her back as he entered the bathroom. Harper could deal with mornings she thought, just not him in her mornings. It was worse that he decided to strip down to his boxers, of course he'd realise that it would be hard from not looking. Harper sighed sitting back down onto the edge of the bed, thinking about last night she knew she had the urge for him. Surely knowing he was the world's eglible bachelor and let's not forget player, she would not fall for him. At least know better.

Not long after, the door opened from the bathroom where he exited only with a towel wrapped hanging low on his hips. Harper gulped looking down as she tried to suppress the butterflies in her stomach. James hair was still soaking, droplets fell upon his shoulders as he grinned noticing how Harper was timidly acting around him, well not last night he thought, she was yearning for him just as much as he was for her.

"Showers free." He said, still the grin upon his face. Harper gradually got off the edge of the bed grabbing her suitcase before pulling it towards the bathroom trying to keep her head down low. As soon as she entered the bathroom, she shut the door quickly and ensuring she locked this time before wiping the little sweat perching upon her forehead.

Soon after she was joining James downstairs where the rest of his family were eating outside in the sunshine weather. Harper was grateful she had packed shorts and joined it with a camisole along with a pair of trainers. However she was not prepared how much James looked sexier and hot, outside of his work clothes, with him only wearing lose t-shirt and shorts. Grabbing her hand, James pulled her outside where Gwen his mother was laughing along with Violet.

"Oh Honey, you're down. Did you two sleep alright?" She asked smiling, the sunlight bouncing off her curls. Violet near the side snorted as she turned and cocked her eyebrow knowingly at her brother.

"Yes, thank you Mother. We slept well. Didn't we Harper?" He said, turing towards her. Harper smiled, knowing the blush peeking upon her cheeks. "Yes, thank you." Gwen smiled. "Well come and join us to breakfast. " James let go of her hand for a second already missing it, before sitting down opposite Violet as Harper joined beside him.

"I was thinking, we could perhaps take the yacht for a spin, since its such a lovely day. How about it Michael?" Gwen asked. James' father grumbled. "What?" Gwen sighed. "I said sweetie, take the yacht out. Open your earholes next time." Michael nodded. "Sure, just as long as our guest isn't seasick." Harper shook her head at Gwen who glanced over, Harper had a feeling Michael didn't have a liking towards her.

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