Chapter Fourteen

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After yesterday's mishap, it was probably no surprise that he had spent that night drinking away in a popular bar downtown. All he could think about was her; 24/7 it seemed at this point. Harper Daniels. Harper Daniels. What made her so special to occupy his thoughts?

He yawned as he got up out of bed and headed out of the room. Manny his housekeeper was just heading down the corridor towards him, carrying what seemed to be a newspaper in her hands. She paused as she spotted him offering what looked to be a sympathetic smile.

"Everything okay?" James asked a little confused.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, sir," she apologised, "I thought you might want to be made aware of this," she added, passing him over the newspaper.

James gently took it from her hands as he skimmed through the headline column. It was a picture of James holding a female's hand, guiding her indoors towards a hotel lobby. James rolled his eyes, a little displeased that some paparazzi had found interest in printing a story on the playboy millionaire hooking up with a stranger.

"They have nothing else better to do," he commented aloud before thanking Manny as he passed her the newspaper back.


Last Night...

After what had happened in the corridor. James was a little disheartened things hadn't escalated. Had that meant she wasn't interested? Did he disappoint her somehow? Thoughts had raced through his mind as he tried to decipher what it all meant. And why was he so struck upon her when the opportunity to have any other woman he wanted was out there?

Now here he was, sat at a bar stool drinking a glass of whiskey. Typical. Alcohol always seemed to be the answer. Whenever he felt frustrated, anxious, upset or even horny, he somehow always found himself with a glass of alcohol in the palm of his hands.

When he next glanced at his watch again, it was dawning nine and he must have been on his fourth glass of whiskey judging from the three empty glasses discarded near him. The bartender seemed too preoccupied flirting with the two women sat at the end of the bar than actually attending to his job. Not that he could judge the man, the two women were pleasantly gorgeous. He was pretty darn sure that the one with bouncy blonde locks was giving him the once-over throughout the night. James even dared to smile back gaining an expression of desire from her red painted lips drawn slyly upwards.

-"Did we have to go out? I was enjoying binge watching that series, Daniella,"

The hairs on his arms suddenly stood up at the sound of a familiar voice meandering through the space, intriguing his interest almost immediately. James turned slightly around, surprised as he watched Harper, his Harper, enter the bar accompanying another female, with short pixie cut hair.

"Oh, loosen up. You're like an old woman, Harper. Chill out," the friend replied, 'let's get you a lemonade and vodka," they added, as he watched them from the corner of his eye appear up to the bar, three people down from him.

He couldn't understand why but anxiety seemed to creep up from the base of his back. James took a quick swig of his drink, unable to enjoy the taste.

"I just hate how things have suddenly changed. Like everything's just fucked up," he heard Harper say discouragingly, "I mean, it's just all wrong. I feel like a fool. I mean, he's honestly just playing me about at this point."

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