Chapter Seven

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Harper groaned into her pillow. Why did her head hurt? And what happened last night? She couldn't remember how on earth she got into bed. One second, she was dancing with him. And then the rest, well it was a blur. At least the bed is so comfy, she thought to herself, as she stretched herself out like a starfish.

Harper sat up, startled as looked down at herself noticing she was wearing a white t-shirt and huge navy blue shorts. She glanced around the room to find last night's dress was neatly folded across the back of the chair opposite the vanity mirror. How on earth did she manage to change herself?

Swinging her legs off the bed, Harper headed to the door, exiting out into the corridor and heading towards the lounge room. There was not a sound or sight of another human being until she jumped in fright feeling a breeze hustle behind her. She turned around, startled once again at the sight of him standing there. He was completely shirtless. Nothing but a loose pair of grey joggers hugging his lower body and barely hanging onto his toned hips. His brown locks were wet, droplets falling from each strand and cascading down onto his shoulders. It appeared he must have just come out of the shower and from the fact he held a white, cotton towel within his hands. Harper blinked a couple times trying to detach her eyes from the mountain of abs.

James cleared his throat, before he teased. "Never seen a half-naked man before?" He walked past her heading to the penthouse kitchen where he continued over to the fridge to collect a bottle of orange juice.

Harper felt a surge of redness occupy her cheeks as she bit down onto her lip.

"You better get yourself ready, we have an appointment at two o'clock with Walter," he added casually as he shook the bottle of orange juice.

"Y-yes, er, can I ask you something?" Harper piped up.

"Yeah, what?"

"Did I get drunk last night?"

James smiled to himself. "Yes, you did. I think you must have had too many of the champagne. I'm surprised you were able to walk back to the lobby. I had to help you most of the way. Not...really professional, Miss Daniels," he said, amusement surging throughout his tone.

"Oh, I-I apologise, Mr Brewer—did I—I mean, I don't remember changing last night," Harper stuttered, "Did you?"

"Yes," he said matter of flatly. "I did. But don't worry, I was careful not to look," he looked up, a playful glint within his eyes. "I couldn't have the dress all creased. Samuels is going to return it today."

"I-I think I'm going to take a shower," she muttered, a little dazed as she turned around. She wasn't quite sure how to take in that vital bit of information. He had unchanged her. Wasn't that a bit bad? Against company policy? And damn, she wasn't wearing a bra so, again, major. Harper crossed her arms across her chest feeling a little self-conscious as she headed into her room.

After standing under the shower head for about fifteen minutes trying desperately to calm her thoughts, Harper jumped in fright as she heard the bathroom door open before through the glass, spotting her boss, entering her en-suite.

"Hey!" she screamed, fighting to cover herself with her hands. "What are you doing in here?"

"Won't be a second," he said casually, ignoring her plea as he searched through the mirror cabinet.

Miss Clumsy and the CEO (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now