Boss Undercover Boxset + Update

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So, hey guys!

 I hope you're doing well and staying safe under the current circumstances. This is a time when we need to look out for each other and also spend the time focusing on things we enjoy.

 Hopefully you can see I'm trying to become a little more proactive on Wattpad as I have missed being on the platform. I'm slowly but surely trying to edit this book as I know it needs a lot of tidying up. So, thank you again for your patience and if you notice a chapter missing, fear not, I'm just editing it.  

And just to let you know that Boss Undercover boxset is available to purchase on Amazon (UK/US/US). For the whole set, it's only 0.99p/c! It would be great to have your support! So, don't forget to leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads- wherever!

Also, what books would you like to see from me in the future?  Also, while you're here, have you checked out my latest book, The Love Affair. 

Feel free to use this space to chat with other readers. 

Stay safe guys






Miss Clumsy and the CEO (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now