Chapter 45- "My Boyfriend"

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James jumped straight in his car, his shirt still unbuttoned whipping against him as he started the engine with urgency. It was past midnight and his face was drowned with fear as he drove almost like a maniac through the streets. His body trembled as he parked the car upon the curb and jogged towards the revolving doors. He needed no direction. James blinked several times ignoring all the funny stares he was getting from his appearance and took the stairs instead of the lifts. Heading to the top floor he pushed through the doors racing down the dimly lit corridor until he slammed through the last door at the end. His heart was racing out of his chest as he found them crying in a ball, their eyes sodden in red patches. He instantly rushed over, taking them into an embrace as he held them close to his chest slowly rocking them back and forth.

"It's okay. Sshhh, it's okay. "James hushed to them as he held them closer. "I'm here now. I'm here." Before he kissed the top of their head. For the rest of the night he held them close consoling, his heart aching for the pain they must be going through.


"I still can't believe we're flying out. I'm supposed to be at work. Not travelling half way across the world." Harper said as Samuels lifted their suitcases into the boot of the car. James grinned. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong sweetie. As my PA you're expected to travel around with me." Before he slipped his arm around her shoulder; the scent of her sweet fragrance lingering upon his nostrils. "Besides, I thought you loved spending time with your boyfriend." Harper blushed as she cuddled closer into his embrace not at all afraid to show her affection for him. "Of course I do. I just wished you had told me sooner. So I had heads up and what I needed to bring." She blabbered on making James roll his eyes playfully.

"Do you ever  shut up, Miss Daniels?" He smirked.

Harper slipped from his arm as she huffed. "I can see when I am not wanted." James laughed shortly before scurrying to her as he grabbed her hand swinging her back around to face him. "Oh but I do love that sweet mouth of yours." Then crashed his lips against hers, moaning intentionally between their lips but really he didn't need to, she had that effect on him already.

"Come on. Park your lovely arse in that car." He teased causing her cheeks to burn bright, Harper was hoping Samuels didn't hear as she headed over to the car door. Samuels opened the door, tipping his hat as he smiled before returning to the driver side. Harper climbed in, jumping when James slapped her bum gently and growled near her. "The tempting thought right now, is to take you in that backseat."

"James!" She whispered, though she couldn't complain how hot it was making her feel. Then James followed in after signalling to Samuels that they could go with a brief nod before he patted the centre gesturing for Harper to scoot over. Not even arguing, Harper moved over towards him as she lay into the side of him as his arm slung over her shoulders.

Ensuring her safety at one point she did scoot back over putting her own seatbelt on, leaving James alone to his attention of phone calls he was encountering every minute or so. James ended the call sighing as he placed it in his trouser pocket, briefly he glanced over noticing Harper had fallen fast asleep. How he adored watching her sleep. She was so beautiful he thought to himself as he relaxed back in his seat.

"Samuels." James called out. Samuels looked through the rear mirror as he answered. "Yes, Sir?" James glanced out the window watching the scenery beside him blur as he muttered. "What do you do to show your love  towards your wife?" Samuels coughed to clear his throat as he said. "I just love her." James met his eyes through the rear mirror, nodding at Samuels before trailing his hand to Harper's which was resting against her lap and slowly entwined his fingers through hers. Then bringing her hand to his lips, pecked a soft kiss against her skin.

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