Chapter 48

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"Katherine." The voice warned.

"What?" She chimed, innocently smiling as she wrapped her hands around their neck.

"You better not mess this up for me. Don't hint anything about me, understood? You go in there, show him the proof and out. Understood?" The voice replied. Katherine sighed. "I do know, baby settle those nerves." The voice restrained her wrist gripping it tightly between their grasp. "Don't baby me, I'm serious Katherine. You know what's at stake for you if you don't." The voice snarled back.

"Yes." She spat pulling her hand away.


Katherine entered his office, intentionally swaying her hips to place her small black handbag onto the desk only irritating James more. He sighed as he turned in his chair to face her. Briefly he nodded at Samuels who stood by the door, who left without second thought only leaving James alone with this deranged woman. Katherine snorted as she sat down, crossing her leg over the other as she placed her hands gently onto her lap.

"So Jamey." She burst out, smiling from ear to ear.

"Don't you dare call me that." James cautioned. Katherine rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh James, lighted up. You used to love that nickname, honestly you it rolled off my tongue." Leaning in she fluttered her eyelashes then snickered coldly as she sat back in her chair. James sighed, "Seriously? Just, f**k you Katherine."

"Gladly. How about you clear this desk then?" She purred.

James shook his head in disbelief. "Honestly, I don't have time for this crap." He stood up placing his hands firmly onto the desk. "Spilt it out Katherine. Is it money you're after?"

Katherine laughed or rather cackled. "Oh James!" Then standing up herself she rummaged through her bag taking out a piece of flimsy piece of card slapping it carelessly down onto the desk. The fear was evident upon James' face as his eyes flickered to the image of him and Harper together.

"H-How." He stammered then coughed to clear his throat. "Where did you get that?" His eyes not once leaving the photograph. Katherine pursed her lips with her well-manicured eyebrows lifting up at the sight of James' reaction.

"Well. I'd say that you better shut it and listen unless you want it all over the press." She advised him as she settled back into her seat. James followed, slowly sitting back down on his seat.

"B****." He muttered under his breath.

"Now, now. Don't forget I can send this." She proclaimed. James sternly glared at her then nodded as he attempted to relax from his tensed figure. Katherine smirked. "Good boy." Then added before James could bite back. "Now consider the danger it could cause not to your image but...that deal." She hinted.

"I honestly don't what you're talking about." James put in.

"Yes you do. Does Jackal Watkins ring a bell?" She queried, raising her one eyebrow. James was lost in words, he halted at the snarky comment that he so wanted to leave his mouth. Instead he coldly requested, "How the f**k do you know about that?"

"Nethermind how, I just know that if a single image of you and a woman goes on the press, that deal is lost, so I do know." Then she added. "And honestly I was surprised myself that your type would be such a plain girl, or rather plain Jane." Giggling towards the end.

Miss Clumsy and the CEO (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now