Chapter 30- It feels like I can't function

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An mountain of tissues grew upwards from off the floor. Harper sobbed her heart out as Dani cradled her just like of that of a Mother would do for a young child.

"Its okay." Dani cooed. "He's not worth any tear. You hear me, Harper Daniels. Not worth it." She repeated over and over as she cuddled her friend more. That evening had not gone on as expected, when Harper left work she was distraught but still managed to keep on a brave face until Dani confronted her at home about why there was cereal everywhere upon the floor and the great escape she made this morning. Harper had no choice but to tell the truth but not entirely, missing deliberately the part about Duke, she still couldn't understand why she was protecting him but she just did. So bundled up in with a box of tissues, she blew on occasion as she told Dani everything from the first kiss till how she played as his fake girlfriend and how he just suddenly turned on her, gave her the cold shoulder. Dani was of course very surprised but now all cared about was making sure her friend would be alright.

Harper blew on a another tissue then throwing it carelessly onto the floor. "I-I-I...thought, h-he...liked me?" She sighed, wiping her nose. "I mean who am I kidding, he is embarrassed to be around me. I know it, why blame him? I am his PA, I don't have my arse on a billionaire line unlike probably all the models he's dated. I'm not rich. I was probably so easy for him to wrap me around his little finger."

Dani narrowed her eyes. "Don't you dare think you are a embarrassment. And none of this is your fault, men like that, are pigs. They are too greedy, expect women to fall for them. You've took a stand though Harper, you got out of it before it could get any further. Tomorrow, you'll put a strong face and show him that he made a mistake, he had no right to lead you on, then treat you like that as if none of that mattered. They're pigs, Harper."

Harper giggled, tears falling down her cheek again as she pulled Dani into a another hug. "Thank you. Dani. I know you always make me feel better." Dani rolled her eyes playfully. "Woman, I'm just good at what I do." She sighed resting her head on her hand. "You sure you are gonna be okay?" Harper nodded. "Yes, I'm stupid for even crying, its not like we were in any relationship. I just need to be strong, face him and get on with my life." Dani nodded. "Good, now about Duke, are you sure nothing happened this morning?"

Harper bit her lip before muttering. "No, we had a bit of a disagreement. Its fine. Everything is." She pulled a false smile before getting up. "I'm gonna take a shower. Then go bed." Dani nodded, sighing as she watched her friend stumble off. She felt bad for her, if she had the power to do so, she would knock that man off his feet for sure. No one treated her friend like this and got away with it but that wouldn't be fair on Harper's job. There was a slight suspicion that something happened with Duke, like at the nightclub. She was drunk, didn't realise till the next day that she allowed Harper to take off with her boss, should have stopped her from going, maybe all of this would have not happened. Dani didn't want to tell Harper again but she had another letter again today, it was the same sort of cheesy line. It was worrying her, she might be putting on a laugh in front of Harper, but something didn't feel right. Though all of that would have to wait, she didn't want to add more pressure on Harper who was in bundles about her boss.

Harper had a nightmare.

It was a blurry vision, in her dream she woke to the beautiful blue sky, no clouds whatsoever. Near her she heard laughing, the familiar sound startling her as she sat up. In her surroundings she was in meadow, colourful rows reaching far in the distant. Her heart was beating fast as she heard her name.

"Harper." A voice called out. She looked up to see James, he was laughing as he held his hand out. Her own voice laughed back as she reached for his hand. As his hand clasped hers, he pulled her up pulling her along, flowers brushing against her skin as she jogged after. Everything seemed right, not until his hand slipped from hers, he was smiling jogging away, still looking back as she called out after him. Then everything went bright, he slipped away from her leaving her alone, until her eyes opened.

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