Chapter 51- Two hearts; alone once again

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Two days had gone, two days without work and two days she had spent moping about. Harper would spend half the day in bed snuggled against her pillow in bed and discarding snotty tissues that were reaching to the point that she would have to go buy another huge box from the store soon. Even books weren't helping; the hero venturing far into a journey just to announce his love for their lover. Harper would snort rolling her eyes as she flicked through wanting to hear no more about true love or even the cliché. Perhaps she would change her genre, go back to crime that she once used to love. Yeah, maybe that would be a better alternative. The fridge was raided. Harper took advantage of no work to fill herself with junk food or garbage. Then there was fact she didn't have to chance or look her best, not that she did anyway. Gosh, she was sounding so dull with all this feeling sorry for herself.

Harper climbed out of bed shoving the book she had been reading back under her pillow as she headed for the bathroom. For the moment she was home alone, Dani was at work and Duke was off out. She couldn't wait when he was back off to the states. She could see the enjoyment of it all to see her such in despair. No pity for her there.

Harper stood in front of the mirror scrunching her nose or rather pulling a face as she took in the noticeable bags under her eyes. She looked a mess. Harper placed toothpaste onto her toothbrush as she took to brushing her teeth. Today she had to go shopping or it was rather her excuse to get out and actually accomplish something. Her hair was a bird's nest. Harper pulled a silly face to herself as she placed her toothbrush back.

"Well that's all you're going to manage." She sighed as she tied her hair into a messy bun and left her face naked as can be.

Harper relaxed back in the seat as she watched passengers scramble onto the bus. The world was blocked out with her earphones in and she intended not to listen to any of those cliché love songs. Starting from today she wanted to make a difference and that meant a job. Tomorrow she was meeting Ethan reminded by Dani numerous times that he had asked for her presence. Of course she couldn't refuse his offer, it would be unfair and what excuse could she come up with anyway? Oh I'm sorry but I have just had a major break up with James Brewer so I am not feeling it. It's bad enough it makes herself feel stupid knowing she had a fling with her boss. There she goes on about him again. Harper rolled her eyes as she looked out the window. Take the other night when she fainted right on the dancefloor at the club, it was an example that she wasn't strong at all. Harper knew it was going to take time for her heart to mend. The man she loved, still and taken it away. Cue in the tears she thought to herself as she sighed. It was at that moment she felt the vacant seat be taken, she looked through the corner of her eye meeting that of a very handsome man. Oh great just what she needed. Harper kept from looking over and hoped that she wouldn't have to encounter an awkward conversation when she needed to get up and pass.

Her bus stop came right around the corner and still the man remained seated next to her whom she hoped might have got off earlier and now that mean actually speaking to the man. It wasn't like it was his fault, it was just every man reminded her of James, and if they reminded her of James then it meant no trust whatsoever.

"Excuse me." Harper muttered as she began to get up. The man took recognition getting up allowing her to pass by. The bus at this moment was still in motion as he returned back to his seat and her clumsiness had to kick in, just as the bus hit a swerve around the bend of the road she collapsed back into the man's lap. Her cheeks inflamed red as she felt the man's steady hands on her back to keep her from falling back anymore. Words fell from his mouth but she couldn't quite comprehend what he was saying and instead jumped up in embarrassment as the bus came to the stop. She could hear distant voice in the background over her music but carried until she was out onto the pavement. Her humiliation had toppled over the roof, trust her clumsy nature to cause her to fall into the arms of a stranger. She didn't even have the audacity to thank him for steadying her. Harper felt a hand tap her shoulder and she turned in fear as the same man stood behind her.

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