Epilogue The Wedding

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Anxiety ran through his veins.

The BIG day. Not just any standard, typical day but the day where two people promise to commit. Commitment. The dictionary definition states that it is the state or quality of being dedicated. Preferably it is something that cannot be taken lightly, and requires a sense of maturity to handle responsibility. Marriage doesn't restrict freedom. It doesn't say you can't go exploring the world or following your ambitions. No, it doesn't tie you down. You are free. Free because you're married to someone you love, free that you can look forward to every single moment spared with them, and free that you can explore the world, can follow you ambitions but you're freed from being alone. That's real freedom. Imagine if you were told who you were to marry? Imagine a loveless marriage? Imagine. Imagine. Imagine. Don't take marriage for granted.

James ran his hands through his thick, brown hair as he inhaled another trembling breath. Never had he felt so nervous to do something so important to him. His own hands reflected this, twitching with tremor as he held them out. Faintly if you were to approach him closely, you could see the quiver of his bottom lip displaying how on edge he was. Alcohol wouldn't even help out. Despite this performance of distress, James could not delay how content he was to be marrying Harper. He had waited for this day ever since he got down to his one knee popping the question to her. Now, it was eventually the day where she'd no longer bear the maiden name Daniels and instead take Brewer. It is scary, marriage. Well, it sounded terrifying for James.

Think back to his earlier years when his Father passed over the business to the troublesome 22-year old. Heck those were the highlights of his negligent behaviour. James was a real Casanova as they called it. Broke hearts, moved on like post to post. James could recall his ever first girlfriend, Olivia Marbles. Met her in Secondary School where she was claimed as the Bee's Knees. Took her first kiss, took her heart and broke it. Regretful but he did. Then came along Taylor, Katherine and many more that he forgotten but he did the same, broke their hearts. James had once it believed it compensated the fact that he had grown up in no ordinary life with wealthy parents, a wealthy appetite and so he felt he had the entitlement to mess about as if he was untouchable. James repulsed his former self. How did he get away with those things? His looks? What?

Reminiscing had made him realise, James wasn't really afraid. That flutter in his stomach, the trembling of his hands or the quivering of his bottom lip were only the side effects. Of what? Simple...Love. He wasn't afraid of marriage, in fact James couldn't be more eager to get married. His former self might have disliked the concept but now, James didn't want to turn back. He liked the sound of commitment, liked the thought that he was in love and liked that Harper was to become his. Become his wife.

-"James? Everything okay?"

James turned towards the door in which his Father dressed in his best, set foot into the room. Letting out a wheeze of air, he nodded then spoke, "Just...-


"Yeah." James confessed, scratching the stubble upon his chin.

"It's normal, everyone goes through it. Should've seen me when I was getting married to your Mother. I could have sweated a pint." His Father joked, taking a seat next to his son.

"I...I just cannot wait to marry her." James uttered, hanging his elbows of his knees as he glanced towards the floor. Michael smiled, briefly patting his son on the back. "That my son, makes your old Father proud."

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