Chapter 28- Guilt

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James had hoped who was peacefully asleep, their hand still loosely gripped onto a pen,wasn't still here. It had meant Harper had not visited home and fell asleep upon the desk. James edged closer, his eyes trailing upon her face, her head lay on her arm as the lamp that was still on, lit a ring shape upon the ceiling. Turning it off, he brushed his fingers gently across her face as he pushed a strand of hair away. Harper stirred, her nose wrinkling as she slowly opened her eyes. James stood before her, the concern upon his face. She sat up quickly skimming the scenery around her, her cheeks reddening by the second.

"Hey, hey." James calmly said, coming around to her side of the desk, the guilt tearing away at him from just seeing how worried she looked. Harper froze as James took her hands into his as he crouched down. "You must have fell asleep..." He muttered before his expression went serious."Harper, you should have gone home, not have listened to me. And you haven't eaten." His tone went much softly. Harper's stomach agreed as she felt it slightly rumbled, she was indeed starving.

Harper slid her hands away as she got up. "I'll be fine. I will just grab something from the canteen." James got up brushing his hands across his knees. Harper picked up her bag searching through for her purse quickly before regaining her composure. James noticed how she kept minimum eye contact .

"I've finished the contracts, I won't be long." She mumbled looking behind him rather meeting his eyes. James nodded, feeling rather he was to blame and couldn't blame her. She moved past him towards the lift, he had the urge to wrap his arms and comfort her but it might be rather best not to. James sighed raking his hand through his hair in frustration, he made a mess now.

Harper couldn't deal with his touch, she realised if she was honest that she was annoyed with him for yesterday. Looking back how his behaviour towards her, that was maybe how it should all be, no more this secretive or shambles they were getting themselves into, she should end it now and remain just boss and his assistant. She knew she wouldn't be able to resist, she would just have to try harder though, her idea of this was getting a relationship but the feeling she had was that he probably didn't want one in the end. As the lift hit bottom floor, she saw Elliot just entering the building, his hand skimmed his fringe as he pushed back his blonde curls. His eyes instantly lit up as he saw Harper and made his way through the swarm of the crowd meeting her halfway.

"Hey. Woah. You have bags under your eyes, you look tired." He said. Harper held her arm. "Yeah, I'm tired...restless night. I'm just going canteen for food." She jerked her chin towards her left. Elliot smiled, turning on his heel as he held her arm. "I'll come too. I'm a little early myself." He informed joining Harper as they made their way through the canteen where breakfast was being served.

They took a table near the large window looking out to the busy city. Harper had only purchased a cup of tea and a bar of granola, she wasn't really hungry as she should be. Elliot sat before her, he shuffled in his seat before he coughed. Harper looked up tilting her head to the side wondering if he was all right, he had the slightest tint in his cheek.

"You okay?" She asked after munching from her bar. Elliot nodded his head. "Yeah." He looked to the side of him before at her. "I-I was...just wondering if perhaps you...wanted to go out some time. Catch a movie or something." Harper smiled. "Sure. I'd love to." Elliot smiled, a almost toothless smile as he took a sip from his drink. "Great I was thinking, Friday, see that new movie. Say eight." Harper nodded. "Yeah, I'll text you my address. It will be fun. " Harper got up pushing her skirt down as she picked up the empty cup and wrapper. "Well, I better be going. See you around." She smiled, Elliot in return smiled back before she went off towards back to reception.

James was at his desk when Harper entered back into the office. Harper held her arm as she met his eyes with struggle. "What would you like me to do?" James cocked his eyebrow slowly getting up as he fumbled with his cuff. "Eager, are we?" He smirked, crossing over as he closed the space. Harper bit her lip looking away from him as she stood still. James risked as he moved his hands to her shoulders, Harper instantly felt her skin burn with sensation, she stepped back from his grasp. James noticed this, he coughed hiding the the instant rejection hitting him. "Right, I've already sent you some work to do. That's all." Harper nodded turning around on her heel as she headed for the door. James felt bad as she went out the door, he should have known he might have hurt her. Honestly couldn't blame her for acting distant with him, but it hurt more to know that she could hate him for all he knew. Maybe this was all for the best though he thought, he needed to keep away. That meant he wouldn't get any deeper feelings than how he was feeling.

Harper sat at her desk, flickering through her emails as not just one email was sent but a continuous roll-over of them with at least more than one attachment, he had in for her she thought. She sighed in frustration as she planted her head into her arms on the desk. Harper eventually had the energy as she took a deep breath and began on the first task.

By lunch she had finished halfway through, she was ticking through her personal agenda when James met at her desk flopping down a pile of paper. Harper looked up at his face, his brow was creased as he said. "I've gone through the first set of the contracts you read, your judgment was correct however the last set was much sloppy even missing basic capital letters or paragraphs. You need to do them again and I need you to get me a coffee." Harper nodded though she noted down the coldness he was giving her. James rubbed the stubble upon his chin before returning back to his office. Great, Harper thought, more work to do. What did she expect? She was assigned as his PA and shouldn't have been surprised since this was all she was expected in the first place on the first day of the job to spill coffee on his lap. Harper's lips curled remembering just that fragment of memory, how she was so nervous that day from just being in the presence of him. She still was.

By late afternoon, James had watched Harper buzz around in and out his office like a house fly; well it was his doing. He couldn't though help to keep his eyes trailing upon the back of her body, specifically how her bum was much curvier dressed in that pencil skirt, was he glad he helped her change her long skirts to ones that compliments very much. This only added fuel to the temptation, being cold which he knew he was doing, had its advantages.

After sending her to collect his coffee, Harper returned placing his cup down along with a handkerchief for a place mat. He coughed slowly pushing his laptop further up the desk, this action caused a pile of paper he had no use to fall upon the floor. Harper who was looking far into the distant outside the window, looked to the floor hesitating before she slowly got to her knees, James leant over his desk admiring the view indeed. The mischievous grin upon his lips. Or how even how her back arched made him crazy enough, or that of every movement of her blouse rising with her body made the temptation even more desired. He just couldn't resist, it was proving difficult.

"Miss Daniels. I don't recall employing you for tardiness. Hurry up." He said. Harper grabbed the last few before standing up as she straightened them up before placing them back on his desk. "Sorry, sir." She muttered. James nodded before ushering his hand away, "Close the door on your way out."

Yeah close out anymore feelings for him anymore, she thought.

Thanks for reading, sorry for late update. This chapter isn't as good as I liked it to be. I just wanted to show how since James slept with that woman, he feels so guilty that he hates having this strange feelings for Harper because let's be honest it shows he cares and secondly I wanted to show how Harper feels like she is a embarrassment to him from how distant he was with her today and yesterday. The next few chapters, James I want to become more controlling, mean and one of those bosses you could punch, his intentions is because he is afraid of what he is feeling.

Thanks for reading please vote, comment and follow. Hopefully you liked this chapter.


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