Chapter 47- Unknown Number

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Light peeked through the curtains, cascading upon the quilt where two bodies in embrace slept in peace. Harper's eyes flickered open, a faint smile upon her lips and the presence of two hands wrapped comfortably upon her naked body. Slightly sore. But a moment she would never forget. Couldn't either.

James stirred in his sleep as she turned to face him. Harper laid her eyes upon his face, slowly trailing her finger to his lips. James opened his eyes, smirking as he grasped her hand squeezing her fingers together before pressing a kiss to them.

"How you feeling?" He muttered, his smile never leaving his lips once. Harper blushed, "Sore. But I'm not complaining."

He genuinely smiled, leaning in as he kissed her forehead. "That's my girl." A faint blush crept upon his cheeks as he added. "I've never went as far as more than f**king. You, honestly complete me." Harper didn't even breathe a word, the muscles in her cheeks ached from how cemented her smile was. James turned onto his back, resting his arm against his forehead, the quilt barely covering his naked torso or the start of his happy line.

She actually did it, didn't she? Did she feel different? Was there radiance surrounding her? Harper didn't know how she felt only that she was glad she lost it someone who she truly loved. Of course she was nervous at first but desire ran through her veins soon straight after. There was always that thought at the back of her mind that perhaps he would pity her inexperience considering the amount of women he had probably been with. However actually he showed her only but love, well what it had felt to her.

Harper teased as she traced her finger across his chest in circular motions.

James tensed, gritting his teeth at the sensation of her touch upon his skin. He couldn't see how she did it, but it sent him out of control. Harper was startled when he jumped over, straddling himself over her. The desire burned in his eyes, her chest rising fast as he muttered, his tone huskily. "Want another go, do you Miss Daniels?" Harper couldn't brace another single word from her mouth and didn't have the chance to as James pressed his lips violently against hers. She was only able to catch her breath back as James rolled off for a second before returning as he restrained her wrists back.

"Round two, it is then." He said, locking eyes with her before crashing his lips once again down onto hers and as always setting the mad pace for her heart to follow. His body straddled over, the combined heat only sent the same desire from last night to start up again.


Harper felt soothed as the water trickled down her back. Soap studs settling upon her skin as James massaged his hands upon her back. Every now and then she could feel him kiss her skin as she rested her naked body against him closing her eyes; indulging into the sheer blissful feeling.

"How was that for a wakeup call?" He muttered near her earlobe. Harper smiled to herself as she squeezed his hand then brought his knuckles to her lips.

James' heart thumped against his chest, he couldn't get enough of her. Wrapping his arms around her waist he closed his eyes, the sound of water tricking upon them and the suffocating cloud of condensation filled the room. Neither wanted to move, they just wanted to be in each other's presence.

Eventually, wrapped in silk and lying back on the bed, Harper watched as James got changed not at all that slight embarrassed that he wandered just naked; she could look at him all day. It was much to her dismay when the boxers went back on and he clothed his naked torso putting a polo top on.

"Are you going to sit and watch me all day? Or are you going to get ready?" James said, a smug smirk on his lips as James towel dried his hair. Harper grumbled. "Why...what's so important?"

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