Chapter 38- Right Move

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That same night, Harper was just left more in a puddle, who the hell was sending her flowers? It wasn't Elliot and there was no way James would have, he wasn't your typical gentleman. The only thing she could do was put them a in vase and hopefully this mystery will unravel itself.

Sitting down on the couch near Dani and as far as possible from Duke, they had a movie night chomping on a bowl of popcorn not until the rule of silence was broken as Dani announced. "Did I tell you I am doing makeup for Ethan Donovan again, that...CEO isn't it?" She nodded to herself. "Yes, I'm sure you know who is, right Harper?"

Harper who wasn't particularly listening just nodded even though she didn't have a clue what she just asked. Dani not taking the hint that Harper wasn't listening continued. "Well, he asked if you might be joining me next time when he has his TV interview." Harper then stopped munching halfway through popcorn she had in her mouth as she frowned looking towards Dani. "Seriously?" Dani nodded, shaking her head as she sighed. "Unfair I say, any guy I fancy appears to be going for you. Any reason that might be?" Harper rolled her eyes as she took another mouthful of popcorn. "Well when is this next interview?"

"A week or so." Dani said. "Why is it all the men are suddenly taking a interest in you?" She whined. Harper gasped grabbing a pillow and whacking it around her head.

"I'm sorry." She laughed as she held her hands out to defend her face. It was only when Duke coughed did they both stop and look over to him. He crossed his arms across his chest jerking his chin towards the TV. "You mind?"

Dani rolled her eyes and reaching for a handful of popcorn shoved in her mouth and purposefully chewed loudly only agitating him more. Duke sighed. "You know we haven't done much since I came to visit and its not long till I go back over to the states." Dani cooed mockingly. "Is little Dukey upset?" Chuckling to herself she got up then sat on his lap tugging on his cheeks. "Don't worry, we've got this weekend planned out, right Harper?"

"Yeah. Sure. I'm gonna go put my pyjamas on, be back in a bit." She informed them getting up. Dani jumped off Duke's lap bringing the popcorn bowl closer as she took another handful. Harper smirked to herself at her friend's behaviour, note only friend not friends. The part of her was glad Duke would be off soon but then she still felt bad, should she just forgive and forget? Before she even reached her door, she immediately came to a halt as she placed her ear to the door. If she was right, she had just heard something collapse onto her floor. Harper held her breath as she closed her eyes. What if someone was trying to break in she thought. Quickly moving away from the door she scurried down the hallway and grabbed the nearest thing to a weapon; a lamp. Unplugging it, she rushed back to her door and counted in her head when to attack as the distant sound of rattling was occurring from the other side of the door.

"You got this Harper." She breathed to herself. Then in a sudden swift move, she opened the door to attack the culprit. All she could outline was a shadow of a figure and approached them like a bull towards a red flag and held the lamp high as she came with a swinging attack. They grumbled dodging the attack then caught the lamp tightly as she went for another swing. Harper struggled to get it out of their grasp and burst out. "Who are you!!!" The person stopped her struggling as they held it still.

"Harper, Harper. Its me!" They whispered approaching closer. Harper scrunched her eyes as their face came into view. Her eyes opened in amazement as she dropped the lamp onto the floor however it did not go as planned as it landed on the person's foot instead or rather James'.

"Ow. " He whimpered. "You were going to hit me with a lamp?" He continued to grumble as he hopped on one foot. Harper gasped holding her hands to her mouth as she screamed in a whisper. "I didn't expect you to be climbing through my window. What are you even doing here?" James stopped grunting as he placed his foot slowly down quickly placing his finger against her lips.

Miss Clumsy and the CEO (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now