Chapter Eleven

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How on earth she was managing to get herself in these situations was beyond her comprehension. In the space of a month working for the 'one' and only James Brewer, things between them had her questioning her everything. Was he flirting with her? Was she overthinking things? Was she attracted to him?

It didn't help that as she sat at her desk, she was replaying yesterday over and over in her head. The way his fingers slid across her jawline and their bodies collided together. Wait, she paused. That was her dream, not the reality of what really happened. God, now I'm even getting reality and my day-dreaming mixed up, she cringed to herself.

Caught up in her own thoughts, she nearly missed his request echoing from the tiny speakers of the intercom. "Miss Daniels, can you go collect a blueprint from the Engineering department. I need it urgently before the meeting I have later."

"Yep, no problem," she replied, flicking off the intercom button as she gathered herself to take care of his request.

Heading down eight floors or so in the lift, Harper made her way onto the department floor, grabbing a spare yellow visibility jacket and helmet from reception before she headed further into the maze of metal. Aside her, men and women were clanking away, testing powered engines meant for the colossal powered drills to extract the oil reservation. Being extra precautious knowing if she clumsily slipped around here, she'd probably end up with a broken bone or two, she headed for the far office where the department manager sat on guard.

Harper knocked on the door and with return heard a recipient on the other side, invite her. A man ahead of her with greying locks tied in a short ponytail, gave a short smile as he gave a once-over upon her.

"Hi, Mr Brewer requested the blueprints for the latest development. I believe you have them," she said confidently, trying her best to maintain steady. If it wasn't obvious that he was undressing with his eyes, it was more believable as he smiled slyly and approached up to her very closely, closing the gap between them. Talk about male toxicity, she thought.

"Hm." Smirking as he held over the blueprints in his hands. "Not so bad to look at," he muttered, chewing his gum as he passed it over. Harper pretended to not hear as she thanked him politely and then left without another word. As much as she wanted to rally on with loyal feminists, the confrontation was too much to bear.

Harper returned back on the top floor, heading back into James' office, dropping the blueprint onto the desk before him. He remained focused on whatever document he was scanning through to have noticed her, or as she suspected was choosing to blatantly ignore.

"Can I help you?" he looked up, placing his ball-pen down.

"I'm not sure I have anything majorly tasked. And the blueprint is there," she replied, feeling his unwavering eyes upon her. God, he was making her feel like a hot mess. It didn't help that she was getting déjà vu of 'dream' version of him kissing her lips in a mad frenzy. Get a grip.

"Well, I can see that. Do you want a putty medal or something?" he said with sarcasm, inferring to the blueprint and solicited thank you she had expected. "But yes, thank you. What else have you got to do in the meantime?"

"Well," Harper paused, quickly grabbing her phone out of her pocket to double-check today's tasks. "You do have...interview questions to respond to from GLAM magazine," she replied.

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