Chapter 49- HeartBroken

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The intercom beeped was once more before it went silent.

Harper didn't move an inch neither did she blink. Nor did she have the strength to want to. Considering what she had just heard, there was no words that could express the pain that it inflicted upon her heart. Harper moved her chair back from the desk. She felt completely numb that it felt like something else rather than her mind was controlling her to move.

Harper didn't want pity nor did she want a spare a tear. Instead she just sat there for a moment. Her hands seemed to move towards the back of her neck where she unclasped the sliver chain. It fell into her hands, the coldness biting at her skin, no longer had she seen admiration for it. She hated it.

She heard a rolling cloud of conversation enter the area. The same woman Harper had met before followed James, her hips swaying as she struck to a stop. James parted his lips, his eyes immediately falling upon Harper who remained seated and her face unreadable.

"Miss Daniels?" James said. "What are you doing here? I told Samuels you needn't to come in." Harper could see how he was on edge by how his shoulders tensed and the sheer guilt he tried to disguise upon his face. The woman beside him who stood posing as if preparing for a member of the press to jump right out and snap a photo spoke out. "I should be off. Till next time, darling." Her lips curling.

"Wait." Harper said, the first words to leave her mouth. James looked towards Katherine who shrugged her shoulders as she remained where she was.

"Harper?" James mumbled.

Harper stood up pushing her chair forward, still the necklace gripped between her fingers. She could see how the colour drained from James' face. He looked nervous. Harper moved around the desk heading towards James.

-"Harper." He muttered once again.


James' face swung to the left, his cheek reddening on the sight. Even Katherine was shocked at the unexpected event. James said nothing...

"I don't want your pity." Harper said as she took his hand in hers, opening it up to drop the necklace. James looked down to the necklace, his fingers slowly gripping down on it. Harper shook her head in defeat. "I hope you got what you wanted. I really do." Then stepping back she headed back to her desk to grab her bag.

James watched as Harper headed to the lifts, not another word spared. That strange feeling covered his heart, not even the slight sensation of pain inflicted on his cheek bothered him only that Harper walked away.

"Well that was new." Katherine blurted out as soon as Harper had left.

"Shut up!" He spat. He gripped the necklace between his grasp, then he added. "What did you do?"

"What do you mean?" Katherine innocently replied then she added. "Oh! I might have accidentally put the intercom on. Why?" James clenched his fists as he turned to face her. "You b****. Was that your f**king plan? Ruin everything!"

"I thought you said it wasn't true. You sounded pretty sure that it was only for sex." Katherine objected.

James threw his hands in the air, "Just get out! You got what you wanted. Just go!" He barked. Katherine pursed her lips shrugging her shoulders as she headed for the lifts.

"Don't worry, James. It's worth it, you'll get the deal. So lighten up." She said as she entered the lift.

James watched as the doors shut. His anger immediately rose and he thrashed a fist into the wall behind him. It just so happened to cause the glass logo of his company to smash into fragments onto the floor. James dropped to his knees. Everything he had said, she had heard.

Miss Clumsy and the CEO (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now