Chapter 22- It just keeps getting better and better

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Harper was lucky that night, from the good old use of a bit of shuffling she had slipped from her the handcuffs however her wrist was red as a tomato. Just in time she had escaped before Dani and Duke had come back from their test drive. Even found the key he had left on the side of her cupboard to remove the handcuffs off her bed.
Harper brushed her tangled locks before grabbing her new car keys, she didn't feel like going by bus today and Dani was persisting that she take it for a drive. Harper couldn't believe what happened yesterday, if to how he got in there. Harper slipped into the driver's seat shoving the handcuffs into the glove apartment before putting the key into the igintion. Dani was right, the engine roared much fierce than her old car, Harper didn't want to admit how she was enjoying to be able to drive something this fast. Harper sighed, she really needed to step up her game if she wanted to get to him. Really get to him, but it was proving diffcult, why did he have to be so persuasive?

Harper parked outside as she reached work, before getting out she hesistated before reaching in the glove compartment for the handcuffs and then stuffing them in her bag. She got out walking to the reception where she entered the lifts to the top floor. Walking straight to his office, she entered where he was typing upon his laptop, he looked up with amusing eyes as she huffed in.

"Morning, Miss Daniels." He muttered, the curl upon his lips. Harper huffed throwing her bag on the edge of his desk. "Nice of you to leave me trapped to my bed." She smiled as sweetly. James chuckled cocking his eyebrow. "Me? I was here all night, working." He grinned. Harper rolled her eyes playfully before picking up her bag. "Coffee?" She asked. James nodded. "Try not to make it too sweet. Your sweet enough." Harper blushed before huffing as she marched out of the door.

James smirked watching as she walked out the office, before his attention was averted to his phone ringing. He pulled it to his ear. "James Brewer."
"Baby." A voice purred on the other side of the line. James tensed sighing as he held the phone closer to his ear getting up. "What do you want Katherine, I thought I wouldn't have to hear that dreadful voice again." Katherine giggled. "Your such a tease. I'm just a little upset that for some reason I can't get into the building." James smirked coking her voice. "That's because I asked those nice bodyguards to ensure you couldn't get in." Katherine gasped. "It's because you know you can't keep control of yourself around me. I get it baby." She said, her tone playful. James laughed before saying. "Course. Now do you mind your costing me valuable time. I'm sure you have better things than to annoy me." Katherine giggled again before whispering. "I know you love it when your rocking me." James sighed down the line. "Katherine, escort yourself away or I'll have my bodyguards there to make use of those legs of yours." Katherine gasped. "Aren't I a naughty girl? I'm going but you can't keep me away, your soon come strolling back over to me." James chuckled with sarcasm before ending the call. Couldn't that woman get the hint that there was nothing between them?

James sat down on his chair turning it around as he looked outside. He closed his eyes for a second before he felt two hands slowly slide around his neck. James' lips curled as he leaned back in his chair. The hands moved closer fumbling with his collar on his shirt before teasing as he watched them tug at his top button.

"Miss Daniels, don't you think this is highly inappropriate?" He teased. They giggled before slowly sliding their hands further down his chest. James grinned reaching out to hold the hands before they slid away so he couldn't grab them. In one brisk movement the chair was swung to face the person who the hands belong to. Harper smiled sweetly, trying as much to keep in role even though she was scared to even take control as she held his hands on the chair arms. Slowly she licked her bottom lip only fuming James' yearn for her right now. Leaning in she teased his earlobe by kissing softly, James grinned trying to remove his hands from hers to put around her waist, however Harper kept a strong grip.

"Close your eyes, Mr Brewer." She purred. James smirked slowly closing his eyes still trying to peek however. Harper turned around reaching for something off his desk before slowly grabbing his hands down, James opened his one eye. "No peeking." She chimed. James shut his eyes, whilst so Harper grabbed a cable tie and secured it around his wrist around the chair arm quickly, and the same to the other one. James frowned opening his eyes as he tried to lift his hands. He laughed before saying. "Good one, now let me go." Harper shrugged her shoulders. "What?" James wetted his bottom lip before smirking. "You do realise this is an amateur move?" Harper moved away from the desk sitting down as she smiled. "I know, but apparently you have a meeting next. Surely you could lose a contract if your absent." James cocked his eyebrow. "You wouldn't dare...Let me go Miss Daniels." Harper pursed her lips. "No, I wouldn't do that but I'll make sure your a laughing stock for it though." James looked away smirking. "What's all this for?"
Harper got up pulling something out of her bag as she strolled over to him. Taking the lid off a marker she brought it to his forehead. "This my dear boss. Is a reminder that one." She said as she held his chin to write upon his forehead. "Is not to ever handcuff me again and two...don't think I'm that easy either to have me wrapped around your little finger." Harper removed the pen putting the lid back and smiled at her work. Grabbing scissors off the desk she snipped at the cable ties before quickly moving back. James jumped up chasing her to the door as he grabbed her by the waist, Harper squealed before clumsily tripping over her own feet landing on her bum. Harper laughed causing James to join in too. James tried to help her up but the door went signalling his attention, Harper scurried on her hands and knees over to the one side. James smirked. "Love that arse of yours." Harper blushed before he opened the door.

Samuels' eyes were wide open as he met Mr Brewer at the door. "Sir, your forehead." James cocked his eyebrow. "Yeah I know. I got bored, what can I say?" Harper snorted laughing at the phrase on his forehead. Samuels nodded still confused. "Erm...right. Katherine has gone but she left you this." He said giving James a bag. He frowned nodding his head as Samuels dismissed himself before closing the door. Harper got up watching as James placed the bag in the table.

"Aren't you going to look?" She asked. James shook his head. "Later. Anyway...where was I?" He smirked. Harper shook her head as he walked back over to her trying to snatch a kiss as she squealed holding him back. "Mr Brewer, you have a meeting!" James sighed before going to his desk and grabbing his phone. "Won't be long." Harper smirked following him out as she continued with her work.

An hour had went, when James returned he was shaking his head as Harper just finished her final adjustment. "Miss Daniels, what I'm gonna do to you." Harper frowned getting up. "What did I do?" James smirked. "I went into that meeting forgetting you had written on my forehead, but not only that, with dickhead wrote on my head!!!" Harper held her hand to her mouth. "Oops." She bit her lip really afraid she did it now as she looked away. James moved over to her, tilting her chin to face him noticing the drawing was off his forehead. "You should be grateful that they found the funny side of it." Harper gulped looking down as she bit her lip. James brushed his thumb against her lip before kissing her lips softly. Harper gave in as James wrapped his hands around her waist deepening the kiss further. She only surfaced when James held his forehead against hers. "Do that again Miss Daniels. And your be wanting to get as far as way from me as possible." He muttered. Harper studied his eyes biting her lip before he walked off to his office. Harper pushed a strand from her ear, who was she kidding? She couldn't beat him against his own game. Harper could feel her knees tremble and butterflies attack her stomach as the sensation of his lips upon hers made her feel like a hot mess.

When James returned to his office, he could still feel the presence of her lips upon his own, the effect she had on him sent him wild. How hot it made him feel the way she had him tied to that chair earlier on, gosh it sent his downstairs going wild. Why was this woman affecting him though? He has slept with numerous women, gorgeous models but for some reason she was a undiscovered beauty. He adored her clumsiness, her naïve attitude and wild confidence that exploded whenever her temptress came out. James smirked before sitting down, he looked upon his desk where the bag was. Opening it, his eyes widened as he gulped. Well...that was nice he thought....really not. If her lingerie was supposed to do the trick, it didn't work...

Thanks for reading, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. A few more chapters of this and then we will be getting deeper into to the plot. Like in any romance book, there is always a obstacle that affects two lovers. Please VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW for more updates.

Vampirefangsrules xx

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