Chapter 54- Eleanor

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At this distinctive moment, James wanted more than anything for the ground to eat him whole. Anything to bypass this day. Instantly his Mother rushed up to his side wearily to alter his collar that stuck out. She sighed failing her hands in the air, "Look at you, you look a disgrace. You haven't shaved and I swear you've been in that shirt from the last time I saw you. I do hope for your sake that she doesn't run off in fright at the state you are in."

James didn't respond and only dug his hands further into his trouser pockets. His Mother was right on his appearance; rough stubble plastered on his face, the faint bags settled just below his eyes and then not to mention that he had not been eating. Gwen wiped her eyes gently in attempt to not smudge her make-up as she whimpered in defeat. "I'm so sorry. James you only brought this on yourself. But look at you. What has happened to you James?" James shook his head pulling his Mother into a warm embrace kissing the top of her head as he muttered. "Don't cry. It's my fault, not yours. I know I've brought this on myself."

"But why are you so not you? It can't be just about marrying this woman. What else is bothering you, James?" She grumbled, her voice muffled against his shirt. James inhaled pressing another kiss onto the top of her head as he said. "I'm fine." This was the best he could do to reassure his Mother that he was alright but the truth stood to be hidden. He wasn't alright, he was truly in a state that it appeared looking after himself wasn't his top priority anymore.

James had to soon act, composure himself to seem fit and then plaster a false smile before leaning in to press a kiss against the stranger's hand. Instantly she flushed with the presence of dimples either side of her cheeks as she smiled in return. Auburn haired, petite and barely up to the height of his shoulders; perhaps if months ago and James had met her in a bar, he would have taken a instant attraction to her and easily serenaded her into the covers. Now it was a different story and he couldn't help to compare her to Harper. Not a easy task. Her name was Eleanor and she was daddy's little girl where Daddy owned various firms in South London. If anything she looked too naive, innocent and perhaps even to immature for his liking. He could imagine her being rather irresponsible that if she was to become his wife then married life would be pretty much pathetic. It sounded harsh and he felt pity for the woman knowing that he could tell she was finding it difficult to remain under control or rather unable to resist him specially how her cheeks still remained to inflame. James sighed softly to himself as he gave her limited eye contact and instead let his thoughts drift leaving only the distant background noise of his Mother discussing with Eleanor's Father. The only good thing about all of this, was he had not to propose to her and only announce their engagement sooner or later. On his behalf, his Mother would help him in finding the ring and then that would be that. It didn't get him out of having to get to know to her and much to his dismay, it meant for the next months or so, there would have to be interaction with Eleanor.

James let out a sigh of relief as he stood side by his Mother to wave of their presence. His Mother clapped her hands together once as she joyfully announced. "Well, that went well. I do hope you make a little more effort when you spend time with Eleanor. I think she has taken a liking to you very much." James said nothing only returned to the lounge where he remained to just there most of the day staring out to nowhere.

Thanks to his sister's prodding when James returned back to his penthouse he had made effort to shave and even Manny was on his case about eating after Violet's stern words. He couldn't lie how he felt much better that he was well fed and up to the point that he kept his five o'clock shadow instead of beard. Visiting the gym had also helped that he built back up his strength that had felt like it had abandoned him weeks ago. So by the second week in from when he left Harper, it was the day of finally making interaction with Eleanor. No, he had no nerves and only dreaded each second he would have to spend with her knowing their chemistry was lacking on his side for sure.

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