5 - 1

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Unknowingly, I spent five days continously doing quests and sharpening my skills.

After handing in the recent quest I finished, I decided to go back to the mansion. Even though nobody cares about my life or death, they would occasionally check to see if I was still alive.

The maids who brought food would be the ones to check but because I hardly respond to them, they would get violent and kick the doors then shout in my face. Other times, they would leave the food at the front of the mansion and leave it at that.

I personally prefer the second option so that I don't have to see them acting all haughty and spiteful.

But before that, I wanted to buy different clothes suitable for fighting. I had been stuck in these noble clothes and robes for so long, I wanted a change up.

Checking my savings, I had made around 500 gold coins just from slaughtering monsters left and right. This was a good amount for pocket money but overall, it wasn't enough.

I thought about how to get revenge against the Albrechts and the simplist way was using magic to decimate them but then I would get branded as a criminal and go down the criminal route so that's a no.

The second way I could get revenge is to ruin their line of business but that takes a lot of effort...

This is gonna be hard, I've never done anything like this before. I'm just an shut in that plays video games, reads mangas and novels everyday!!!

Who has the time to plan so meticulously??

Well certainly me...

But I rather do it the crude way. You know what, I think it will work itself out one way or another.

I never really explored the town that much but it was quite wealthy, the pavement was built with bricks and lamp posts were built on the sides. The stores were adjecent and the fresh smell of flowers decorated the town square where a fountain where you could throw money in to make a wish was.

There was a signboard with an anvil and swords and I looked into the store. Various weapons ranging from swords, maces, bows, spears and more were inside. I wanted a weapon since I didn't have any and walked right in, the bell ringing to indicate that someone had come in.

I walked around and inspected the weapons one by one. At first, I was just admiring the workmanship of whoever made them. I'm no expert and I actually wasn't interested but it was my first time seeing actual weapons with me own eyes besides knives from the kitchen.

The ones at the front were ordinary, nothing special about them but the ones further to the back had some special qualities about them.

For example, the material. Some were sturdier, while others were light but durable clearly catering to certain fighting styles. I don't know what mine is but since I'm a mage, a secret weapon would be better.

Mages are known even in this world to be weak at hand to hand combat so having a trump card to surprise the enemy would be good.

Okay, let's buy lots of hidden weapons.

So I spent an extra hour searching for anything resembling small weapons or hidden weapons but to no avail. I honestly should've asked the store owner but I didn't think about it until afterwards.

So I went up to the store owner, or employee and tried to reveal my existence. The guy had already known of my existence it seems as he gave didn't give me much of a reaction besides. "What kid?"

Offended, I blurted out. "I'm not a kid."

However, the guy didn't care and gave me a lazy glance. "What weapon do you want? And you better have the money for it or don't waste my time."

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