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In the dormitory.

I finished packing my luggage for the history field trip and zipped the bag closed. Archie had lessons so he couldn't 'help' me pack and there was no way I would let him even if he was free.

'Goodbye Rauxirth, I'm off to battle!'

I left the dorms and headed off to the classics department.

... ...

In total, there were around 100 students, all from different classes. I wasn't late nor too early but it seemed like everyone was here already. This field trip sure is big.

"Ryan dearie you're here~!"


Kanza didn't jump me like in the past but wrapped his arm around my shoulder and shook excitedly. "I'm taking dibs on being your partner."

Slapping his arm off, I responded half-heartedly. "Do what you want."

The students were grouped with a teacher who took the register. Once that was done, a teacher walked up the podium and coughed to bring everyone's attention over.

The leader of the field trip was a chubby middle aged male teacher with a monocle and long curly mustache. "Hello students of classics. I am pleased to see your faces, I am professor Linkinson and I will be in charge of this field trip. You all have the opportunity to actually experience a historical site. I won't be long winded but as students of Rauxirth, you are representing this academy and I know you will be behaving exceptionally. You will be able to take souvenirs home as well so don't be impatient...."

His speech ended up being long winded anyways...

Finally, we were going to get on the road trip! The quickest way would be to go via teleportation but with this many people, it wasn't possible and even if it was, teleportation this size was illegal.

The way to travel would be through an airship. Through this method of transportation, it would take a few days to go from the west to the east. Rauxirth was super rich so spending their wealth for a trip so far away with so many people was nothing to them.

I don't understand how airships work since I didn't take engineering and my brain wasn't smart enough for that but basically, it had a bunch of physics, maths, magic and other stuff thrown into it to create a magnificent transportation ride.

... ...

Students were split into groups, all allocated with one teacher and a few senior students.

"Looks like we're in the same group Ryan, isn't this great?!"

"I'll be great if you had less energy." Ryan rubbed his head sighingly.

"Isn't it good that I have a lot of energy? People around me are always rigid and strict, you should lighten up some more." Kanza was ruffling his hands around and pointed over at Ryan's direction.


Ryan flinched back and stared at the confetti falling in front of him. Then his pupils slid to the right and looked down at the cracker from who knows where Kanza pulled that out from.

"... Surprise! Ack- Ryan! Don't do this to me! Ow ow ow!"

A few seconds later...

"AHHHH! My hand... My hand... My hand!!" Kanza held his hand in the air as if it needed blessings from heaven.

"Look what you did to my hand Ryan! It's red! Ah no, it's turning purple! I'm all bruised now! My skin is too delicate for this." Kanza sighed and kissed his hurt fingers with tears threatening to fall off his eyelashes again.

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