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"Young master, why would you volunteer to come to such a crude and unsophisticated place? This gives us no benefits whatsoever and these mosquitos have been trying to bite you whenever possible."

Elijah took out a potent spray, filling the air with its scent. The bugs around the area darted away from them, leaving them with some peace of being bitten.

" That 1st year bastard... Young master, you must make him pay. Your skin is like refined jewellery, how could it be touched so casually?" Not to mention he had never been able to touch it, so how could someone so crass, no manners and even looks like an abomination be able to leave a print on his young master's face!?

ARGH! He was screaming inside in hatred and jealousy.

Ryan had no idea he was being cussed, walked alongside the stream, climbing over the weirdly shaped trees covered in leaves and moss. The damp bark was surprisingly sturdy but slippery, it was easy to slip and fall like Kanza who already sucked at even walking normally.

A pair of sapphire eyes strayed over in his direction unbeknownst to himself and the hilt of a sword was grasped. The grip was loosened but Lukas had not taken his hand off, standing stiffly in stark contrast between the environment and himself.



... ...

Ryan used [Detection] to scout out the area. He was pleasantly surprised to discover a white building in the Rainforest. It was very conspicuous within the green. As he reached closer, a stream of water connecting to the river circled all the way up the mountain.

Even the ground he was stepping on had a layer of water over the rocks, wetting his boots squeeky clean. He went back to inform the group and they headed to the white building.

Kanza complained about the steepness the entire time, and after reaching flat ground was he jumping in joy. Jake was huffing and puffing, hating Kanza even more. He was complaining more yet was the first to get back up! "Shut up!"

He couldn't help growling.

Kanza huffed and snorted, looking in a different direction. "Someone sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."

A vein jumped out of Jake as he clenched his fists tightly.

"The buildings are so white... How's it possible to remain this way for so many years? Don't tell me they sent people to clean them?" Kanza walked closer and touched the white house with his fingers. He was surprised by the coldness and when he took his hand off, it was slathered in wetness and a type of mild stickiness.

" Ew!! What the hell, this feels like snail goo. Get it off get it off me!!" He shook his hand in disgust and found a giant leaf to wipe his hands with.

Alicia was very interested, going up to the building and touching it with her index finger. She rubbed it between her fingers with mild excitement." Perhaps it's some type of protective cover, to keep the buildings clean for the Falak tribe."

To test her theory out, she had no hesitation swiping her finger across the dirt. Jake gasped and grabbed her hand up in shock. "Lady Alicia! How could you do that? If you need to wipe your fingers, I will gladly provide a handkerchief for you."

He took out his handkerchief and wiped her fingers clean. He was very satisfied with his work seeing her smooth, milky finger pristine and clean.

Alicia blinked for a couple of seconds before smiling at Jake." Thank you for your help Jake. "

" No problem Lady Alicia, anything for you." He raised his chin up proudly.

Alicia got up and patted her skirt while containing her smile. "Then I would appreciate it if you could take some time to help look for the stamp stand, thank you."

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