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I turned my head up while rubbing my forehead painfully. Suddenly, my head was pushed forwards, taking me closer and I breathed in the mildly sweet and spicy, earthy fragrance.

Along side this slightly intoxicating scent, Claude's pleasant voice drifted down like a cloud, tickling my ears as if he was speaking right next to it in a whsiper. "Stay still."

For some reason, I listened subconsciously and looked down at the blue haired child who was getting squished in between and moved my chest back, making sure he wasn't suffocating.

Strings of dark energy were clinging to his body and he appeared to have become unconscious again under its influence.



My instincts caused me to furrow my eyes closed at the shrill screech of the creature. I tightened my hold around the child who began to struggle all of a sudden. He wasn't about to be taken back to that thing after all the trouble I went through.

The blood coloured sword in Claude's hand was unsheathed, pointing to the large gathering of black liquid. Wind violently rushed outwards at the tip of the attack's connection.

Purple aura flickered through the room.

Dark particles scattered across the air.

Claude's face was calm without tension. His sword, thin and sleak, long and majestic, exuded oppression with the crimson colour inlaid on the pitch black blade which plunged into the dark creature made of water.

Another sound of bloodcurdling scream echoed in the room with agony. The other creatures were agitated by the scream and ran amok in a rampage, attacking the group more viciously.

The water golem punched Lukas and wrapped its body with enhanced basic water magic, pressuring him even more.

Water darts flew but it didn't hit the target intended and fell flat of nothing. Alicia breathed out with a type of calmness in her stance as her shield came right on time while running over to support Kanza.

The creature made of black liquid tried to attack Claude, throwing all its skills at him. However, none of it went through the invisible barrier surrounding his body, as if its attacks were nothing but a child's futile attempt to steal candy in front of their parents.

The dark creature convulsed with its form contorting as if it was being punched from the inside out.

A flash of red blossomed within Claude's amber pupils as a powerful aura exploded from his sword.

The creature made of black liquid looked like it was on the verge of exploding, causing people to churn with tension at the ticking time bomb but even after wairing for so long, it never came.

Purple aura circled the creature, containing it while the sword absorbed the dark energy flowing out.

The surrounding wind was violent, making it hard for anyone to open their eyes properly. It was difficult to watch and I had to make sure nothing would happen to the child in my arms who was clenching onto me with a death grip.

Claude muttered something under his breath but I couldn't hear it at all but the moment he finished, the howling in the room had reached peak.

The creature was trying hard to resist. It was getting absorbed by the sword and couldn't break free. No, it was more accurate to say it was being devoured by the sword which stopped any chances of escape.

The lingering strings attached to the child were also being devoured, it was forcefully detached.

The water creatures the group faced against froze like statues altogether. Taking only one hit, the large golem couldn't keep its form any longer with the original power gone and flooded the room like a tsunami.

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