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"Sigh... My life is miserable."

I looked out at the setting sun in a daze. Somehow, I managed to avoid meeting Finley O'Brian since another student called for him but Kanza was way too persistent.

So doing what I do best, I dashed out of the classroom as fast as lightning the moment Kanza let his guard down, letting me break free from his death grip.

Today was too hectic and it was only the first day at the academy. I was kind of dreading tomorrow now.



I could feel a vein threaten to pop from my head. I got out of bed and briskly walked to the bathroom door and slammed it open.

"What the heck are you doing making all that noise??"

Archie was startled by my voice and jumped, causing the soap in his hand to drop. His foot stepped on the soap as he turned round and in an instant-


He slipped...

Crashing onto the floor and the hot water coming from the shower head sprinked over his body. I facepalmed with all my might and wanted to leave immediately and pretend I saw none of this.

"Ow Ow Ow Ow..." Archie struggled to get up; his palm slid across the wet floor and I felt 0.0001% bad leaving him like this.

Besides, I also needed to use the bathroom after him so I'll just consider this as doing myself and him a favour.

Unsurprisingly, the bathroom tiles was wet with bubbles and water; it had gotten so bad that it even reached the door.

"Water dispersion." Casting magic, the water on the floor disappeared and I walked in.

"Ryan!" QAQ

A mild look of distaste was present on my face. I controlled myself not to start shouting at the mess he made and grabbed him by the arm to lift him off the floor. His posture was too inappropriate for my liking.

" How do you even suck at cleaning yourself? Get up and wash all the soap off your body before even thinking of leaving the bathroom."

Archie whined, and tried to justify himself to me. " It's not my fault, I've never used this thing before."

He pointed to the shower head on the floor ( still dispensing water ha. Ha. Ha.) then the button and explained," I pressed this and cold water came out and when I twisted it, boiling hot water came out and I thought I burnt myself... "


Archie had his two index fingers touching together with his lips puckered out, and his eyes dropped down. With his hair wet, his curls had also drooped downwards.

'Like a dejected, little wet dog.' I instantly thought of.

'So in conclusion...'

" You don't know how to use it."

Archie's silence proved my words. I sighed and rubbed my temple to relieve my incoming headache from overusing my brain and decided.

"I'll teach you how to use it so next time, you don't make a mess. Got it?"

Nodding vigorously, Archie grinned and jumped on me all of a sudden. "Thank you Ryan! You're so nice mmm~ I'm so glad you're my roommate!"

"Oi- You get off me now." I said while struggling to detatch this human being from my body.

This kid is over here hugging me with soap on his body and while being fully naked as if I DON'T MIND.

'Excuse me, you haven't even grown hair down there yet so you're not man enough we can bathe together-'

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